Biden must abandon his ‘half-assed’ Ukraine policy, before it’s too late

Biden must abandon his ‘half-assed’ Ukraine policy, before it’s too late

by A_Lazko

  1. So, you advocate a bold policy, like abandoning a country half a world away to its neighbors?

  2. Biden is plainly unable to anything. He is senile – it is not an offence, it is a diagnose. Minds of senile people return back into past and they lose connect with the current reality – and that’s how Biden sees the world: as the world of 1970s, when he was in his prime, and when russia was the second global power and Ukraine didn’t exist at all, and all he was doing was appeasing and pacifying USSR. He is doing that again, while the situation is completely different, and this delusion brings not only Ukraine, but entire Europe to catastrophe.

  3. He claims NATO is more united than ever yet he actively holds back certain members who want to do more. An absolute chamberlain who can’t leave soon enough and hopefully his VP is better.

    And btw if you care more about your favourite political party over actual lives like many that claim they “support Ukraine” do go ahead but don’t tell Ukrainians to be grateful for aid when every single day there is a massive missile strike.

    Moreover, don’t what about Trump me. Everyone with a brain, which are not many in the gop these days, know he is worse… this isn’t about that moron.

    Ukraine is in a very very bad situation and a lot of it is this half ass approach.

  4. The Biden administration has come to the conclusion that a conquered Ukraine is undesirable, but a devastated Ukraine is preferable to the risk of a russia collapsing. It is cynical and it is sick, but that is the calculation. The worst thing is that they are in cahoots with the German government, so Europe is not going to support Ukraine to win either.

  5. I’m hoping he’s just trying to “play it safe” before the election, and ramps up afterwards.

    It is worrying, however, that aid seems to have dropped off since the Kursk counter-offensive.

  6. I hope Kamala Harris (if she win in November) will be more decisive in supporting Ukraine. She has a potential if becoming iron lady like UK Margaret Thatcher. A no nonsense leader who is willing to lock the bull by their horns

  7. President Biden, cowardice and waffling make a poor end to an excellent career. Get out of Ukraine’s way! Sign me a patriotic American who understand what our fathers fought for.

  8. Biden is a fucking cuckold. In Poltava yesterday 41 people died, in Lviv today 7 people died, including three children. Every day russians kill civilians in different parts of Ukraine precisely because Biden and his kind of western leaders are fucking pussies. As a Ukrainian who living in Dnipro, I send you all my rays of disappointment.

  9. For those of us who are watching from side-line in Europe, it seems to be a no-brainer decision to send everything possible to Ukraine. The wolf is at the front gate so there is no holding back.

    However, for the Americans, I can imagine this is what the President inner circle thinking:

    1. Yes the Russians must not succeed – hence send some weapons and ammunitions.

    2. What can USA get out of this? If Russia is busy fighting Ukraine, it does not have much capacity fighting anywhere else. Good – keep them busy.

    3. With American weapons (but without American troops), Ukraine will be able to push the Russians back – but not strong enough to totally crush Russia ALL the way to Moscow. So USA will need to get as much test data out of Russian weapons in this conflict.

    That’s my 2cents worth. Otherwise, I cannot see why USA is not sending everything possible.

  10. 7 people dead today and counting as there are plenty in critical condition. 3 of them kids, 5, 9, and 14. All hits on civilian buildings with legitimate targets hundreds of meters away. I was counting the explosions while sheltering after having woken up to the first drone being shot down. If Poland helped by shooting down drones close to their airspace these deaths could’ve been avoided.

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