The subtle Trump signal to show he’s jerking MAGA around.

The subtle Trump signal to show he’s jerking MAGA around.

Posted by Same-Squirrels

  1. That dance reminds me of the scene from Silicon Valley where they discuss optimising jerking off 4 guys at once.

  2. You would think one of his advisors would tell him “when you do that dancing thing you do it looks like you’re jerking off two guys simultaneously.”

  3. Remember this fat potato thinks he is more attractive than Kamala. When he closes his eyes and “gets into it” he feels he looks like a young Travolta and is making all the women “cream”

  4. So fucking cringe.

    The best part is the Right pretending that the Left hates this because supposedly we hate seeing Trump happy or having fun.

    No….we are literally getting second hand embarrassment!

    I honestly can’t watch it more than a few seconds because I literally cringe, and as stated, it’s deeply embarrassing.


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