Trump on Ivanka: ‘Is It Wrong to Be More Sexually Attracted to Your Own Daughter Than Your Wife?’

Trump on Ivanka: ‘Is It Wrong to Be More Sexually Attracted to Your Own Daughter Than Your Wife?’

Posted by P_a_s_g_i_t_24

  1. That article was an incredibly disgusting read.

    It’s mind-blowing that people can see Exhibit No. 5,479 that shows he’s a real bottom of the barrel human being and think, “Yep, this rapist is MY PRESIDENT”.

  2. Ah yes… from the teen years Trump had the hots for his own daughter which is f up to think about it.

  3. I mean, if you two are both consenting adults it’s certainly frowned upon quite heavily but go live your life I guess??? What makes this even so much worse is it’s almost certain he was molesting her as a minor and he should be in fucking jail

  4. There are no words for how fucking wrong that is. Why is that even a thought? Then you field that question that should you know shouldn’t even be a question in your head to the public. What the fuck!

    Your daughter and sex should not be in the same thought process unless you are an incestuous pedophile. We know you are by what you say and by what you have done. Countless stories of you actively engaging in pedophilia with known high-profile pedophiles. To make it so much worse you seek out children who look like your daughter! How this man has gotten this far and continues to have millions support him blows my mind.

  5. Let’s be real. If you think the guy isn’t a creep or pedophile, you haven’t been looking at him.

  6. I truly think this man is so narcissistic that he believes Ivanka is the perfect woman because he made her and therefore deserves and is entitled to her.

  7. The pictures taken of the two of them when she was a teen are so sexual that it makes my skin crawl

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