Russian ‘human wave’ attack under Ukrainian artillery & mortar fire

Russian ‘human wave’ attack under Ukrainian artillery & mortar fire

by SmokingBlackSeaFleet

  1. Some russian commander Yuri Gagarin speaks about successful attack on Ukrainian positions:

    >A good war is a high-tech war. Here is one of the examples for you. When you see the picture and you can control the fight. And the boys don’t die. Today, without losses at all, even the wounded were not there. The enemy was mowed down, I think, 18 men. 200 (KIA). Well, we didn’t take prisoners today. Here is the work of the Mavic 3T and the coordination of the work of the commanders of the groups. This is the motorbike group that worked today. Rode in on motorbikes.

    Translated with Whisper.

    Edit: fixed translation

  2. If this is an actual attack (and not a training exercise) , then they seem to be performing quite well, advancing fast enough to stay ahead of Arty fire adjustments

  3. do they do a Power Ranger type pose and yell HUMAN WAVE ATTACK before transforming into pink mist and various cooked meat parts?

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