Bericht: Nordkorea richtet nach tödlichen Überschwemmungen und Erdrutschen rund 30 Regierungsbeamte hin

Bericht: Nordkorea richtet nach tödlichen Überschwemmungen und Erdrutschen rund 30 Regierungsbeamte hin

  1. Theyre scapegoating the weather now? Yeah did they have ties with big oil Kimmy? Out of your fuckin mind dude

  2. I’m sorry, but… NK’s domestic budget is pretty damn close to zero. What were these officially supposed to do, stand out in the middle of the storm and hold back the flooding and landslides with their arms?

  3. And this is one of the guys Trump looks up to….

    >Trump described Kim as “very talented”
    “Great personality and very smart. Good combination….”

  4. Being a government official in North Korea is truly the Monkey’s Paw of the bureaucratic world.

  5. When the floods happened a country ( forgot which one) offered aid and kim said na we got it bro lmao then he goes and kills 30 officials

  6. >>Chosun TV citing a North Korean official reported that those responsible for the unacceptable loss of life will face strict punishment. The report also mentioned that 20 to 30 officials from the flood-affected area were executed simultaneously late last month.

    >Hindustantimes could not independently verify the authenticity of the claim.

    It’s pretty funny seeing Redditors time after time blindly believe something from right wing media about North Korea.

    >On 31 May 2019, the newspaper reported that, based on “an unidentified source”, the head diplomat of North Korea’s nuclear envoy Kim Hyok-chol, had been executed by a North Korean Government firing squad.[18][19][20][21][22][23] However, two days later, on 2 June 2019, the top diplomat was seen at a concert sitting a few seats away from North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un.[24][25][26]

  7. The jokes in the comments are funny but also cruel. 30 executions is a lot of grieving families and people!

  8. Scary. Bureaucratic purges of high-level officials are the kinds of things that lead to coups, and coups in nuclear-armed fascist states are…uh…yeah.

    I would like to live in less interesting times for a while please.

  9. I thought the weather was dictated by the dear leaders mood? Why are other people being blamed for that?

  10. Did they execute by a firing squad of surface to air missiles again? I guess that’d go over the budget in these tough times.

  11. Wait til they find out how many people have starved to death because of how shittily the country is run by the Kim regime! I bet they’ll execute him right quick and in a hurry for all those preventable deaths.

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