A man in Lviv is receiving stitches as his family’s bodies are pulled from the debris. This is one of the most difficult videos I’ve ever seen.

A man in Lviv is receiving stitches as his family’s bodies are pulled from the debris.

This is one of the most difficult videos I’ve ever seen.

by tohich-tohich

  1. This is the kind of shit that makes a grown man cry. Absolutely heartbreaking. Russia is creating generations of enemies.

  2. I read a comment posted to a media site a couple of weeks ago, saying that Ukrainian refugees should go home as Ukraine is basically safe from Kyiv to the western borders.

    It was posted after the children’s hospital strike in Kyiv.

    Russian trolls have no morality as they post their master’s lies.

  3. Fucken let them used western weapons by any means necessary to protect themselves already! Let them hit all airbases whenever or wherever! Russia orcs must be burn out! SMH

  4. Absolutely heartbreaking. Can the West stop fluffing around and allow Ukraine to do what it needs. The whole Nuke threats has proven to be empty so let it reign on Russia.
    Yes, there is an argument of ‘the threats are empty until they are not’ but fuck me, allowing a country to invade another and do these horrific acts just shows other countries that they can do the same. It’s absolutely bonkers.

    I really hope Putin and the hierarchy of the Russian government suffer horrendous consequences.

    Godspeed Ukraine.

  5. Long range weapons have to be allowed to be used against Russia now. Those airfields where the bombers are and every installation supporting them need to be levelled.

  6. It still seems so weird seeing this sort of thing in a fairly well-developed, functioning, European nation.

    I don’t want this to come across the wrong way, but we kind of get saturated from childhood with images of bad things happening to brown people in poor countries far away, where everything is broken, and the situation has been hopeless for millennia. It’s sad, of course, and one feels sorry for them, in a kind of abstract way.

    It is so jarring to see it in a country that looks, well, to my European eyes, ‘normal’. The fire-fighters are not people dressed in tunics, turbans and sandals carrying buckets – they’ve got smart uniforms and a nice shiny Mercedes-Benz fire appliance. That little city square looks as if it could just as easily be in Belgium.

    It doesn’t provoke abstract sadness. It provokes, in me at least, real anger.

    I want Russia to be kicked so hard, and Putin to be hauled in front of a war crimes tribunal.

  7. What’s really touching is everyone realised what was happening and looked after his true injuries… His broken heart.

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