shoutout to the french for the worst full english ive ever eaten

i love sopping wet cold scrambled egg being dolloped over half my fuckin plate

by TachankaTheGod

  1. You still fucking ate it, like rice from India or potatoes from Ireland, nothing satisfies a greedy Englishman

  2. – Hello sir, welcome to France, home of the best cuisine in the world ! What can I get you for breakfast ?
    – FuLL EnGliSh BrEakFaSt

  3. Hard to ruin an already stupid breakfast, props to the French. They probably did it out of spite.

  4. My fellow citizen of the empire, France is not Spain, they have resisted our attempts at colonialism for 100s of years.

    Never order anything other than croissants and cigarettes for breakfast when travelling the wastelands to our south.

  5. I’m in Malaysia right now and can guarantee I’ve had much worse. Cold beans, sweet bread, Turkey or beef bacon, the only nice thing is fried eggs.

  6. There is no way a shitty french restaurant serves little packets of HP sauce. I call bullshit.

  7. That’s a ‘lost in translation’ situation.

    You went to France. You asked for an English meal. You received a shit plate of food. To the French mind, you received exactly what you asked for.

  8. I like the full english breakfast. I eat it a lot whenever I am in the uk. I never ate it outside the uk….

  9. Your own fault for buying a full english from somewhere that isn’t your local greasy spoon or some cafe run by a white immigrant in benidorm

  10. The best carbonara I ever had in my life was cooked in Versailles. There, I sayd it. Sorry Italian friends…

  11. 1. Put English food on the menu

    2. Prepare it terribly

    3. “Wow English food is bad”

    Brb I’m going to go cremate a Hawaiian pizza from Lidl and then tell everyone how bad Italian food is

  12. Dude, you’re eating on a tray, and you’ve ordered the worst breakfast possible in France, what were you expecting ?

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