Sam McBridge eviscerates shinners

Sam McBridge eviscerates shinners

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. Anyone know any brand names of these drugs to invest in? Why shouldn’t we all make profit if these drugs are to remain safe in the South?

  2. This is like one of those articles where such and such “slams” someone else. Where it’s just a normal critique.

  3. Quick someone contact the Oxford English Dictionary people and get the definition of eviscerates updated!

    Seriously it is just a continuation of highlighting the disparity between SF NI and SF RoI policy.

    Calm down

  4. It purely about not wanting to alienate their rural base, who can be quite socially conservative. They care more about votes than trans people.

  5. Yes, we should look at the only countries that have done long term studies on this and then reversed course.


    When countries can 2 things

    1. Replicate the Dutch Protocols
    2. Show the LONG TERM effectiveness on the affirmation model in preventing suicides within children who suffer from gender dysphoria.

    until those 2 criteria are met, then let’s just go back to the previous model of psychology first, which didn’t seem to lead to an uptake in suicides of kids within that group.

  6. this might reveal a more sinister issue with SF. The goal seems to always be a UI but improving people’s lives in northern Ireland counters that argument in their eyes at least. so everything “Good” is held behind the curtain of UI, you want puberty blockers, vote for a UI. If you want a better health care service and schools, vote UI. What they are failing to do is treat the electorate with any respect. they don’t trust people to vote for a UI if things get better in NI and people can make a logical and thought-out vote for it or not. so it’s political edging until a UI comes about.

  7. Gee, a political party jumping on a non issue to placate religious fanatics and bigots. Imagine that.

  8. I’m no expert. But.. sf aren’t making the choice themselves they’re just following guidelines from whichever healthcare body provides these findings?

  9. Anyone else feel like aul McBride has moved into a lot of Nolan style of reporting. He has spent to much time speaking to his mate Stephen.

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