In this photo, the man is the only one who survived after today’s missile strike on Lviv. His wife and three daughters were killed.

In this photo, the man is the only one who survived after today’s missile strike on Lviv. His wife and three daughters were killed.

by kingkongsingsong1

  1. Strangely enough, the ‘muh balance’ crowd are silent when it comes to the civilian deaths, like there’s a way of separating and sanitising the combat footage uploaded by Russians from these murders.

  2. It’s even worse than I Imagined, I can’t imagine a worse punishment for a man. What a beautiful family he had, I’m heartbroken. I bet he would’ve given his own life several times for his family and now he’s all that’s left.

  3. I can’t begin to imagine the survivors guilt this poor guy is feeling. I’d be heartbroken that I wasn’t killed alongside my family. First thing I’d be doing is going straight to sign up and try to drop as many Russians as humanly possible before I got taken out.

  4. Speaking personally, if this happened to me, I would be enlisting and trying to kill as many Russians as possible, without a thought to my own life.

  5. I would be signing up at the nearest military recruitment office the same day. Fucking hell

  6. Damn it. Why are we still stuffing about with Putin. Release everything to Ukraine and tell them to use it as they want.

    I can’t imagine his life now….losing such priceless things as his wife and daughters.

    Come on Biden. Don’t be weak!

  7. i also have 3 daughters….i would have nothing left to live for if i lost my family like this. Head straight for the enlistment office and request to be stationed right at the thickest of the fighting

  8. Fuck fuck fuck… this sucks so hard… If i were this man, i’m not sure if i would like to survive… But I guess i would have such a hate, that i would dedicate my life to kill as many russians as possible.

    This is so damn heart breaking… my day is done.

  9. The life Putin and all his cronies are not equivalent to one biological cell present and lost with these beautiful people.

    May Putin and his comrades burn in a pit of eternal fire while being just alive enough to feel every bit of it.

  10. Words are futile, pointless weapons.
    So sorry you’re not getting the assistance you need on the battlefield while our politicians play their pathetic power games mate. Can’t begin to even consider how your life has been turned upside down.
    I’m filled with shame – we could and should have acted in 2014 in support of your country.
    No solace in my words, I feel so fucking powerless while good people are being slaughtered.

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