Photo of a family killed in Lviv. Only the father survived. His wife Evgeniya and three daughters – Yarina, Daryna, and Emiliya – were murdered in their own home by russian missile.

Photo of a family killed in Lviv. Only the father survived. His wife Evgeniya and three daughters – Yarina, Daryna, and Emiliya – were murdered in their own home by russian missile.

by FrozenDed

  1. This should be on the first pages of all word media. Russia pretending to defend “family values “ while killing thousands of children, women and men. Arm Ukraine now so we can defend ourselves from this.

  2. Shit, I think I just saw the video where he got stitched up, standing there in complete shock, traumatising.

  3. How do they think this would make someone stop fighting back, when all you have left in your life is rage, revenge and emptiness.

    Totally heart-breaking.

  4. Jesus fucking Christ. Can’t even imagine the pain this man has to endure. Fuck Russia and fuck whoever negates Ukraine to strike Russia back.

  5. My the God revenge the Ukrainian blood! I hope western nations will finally allow the Ukrainian army to use provided weapons to full extend!

  6. I don’t…I can’t even begin to imagine how he moves forward after this. Fuck you, Putin. Fuck you, Russia. This is what you think “liberating” looks like? Killing innocent children? Wiping out entire families. Not fooled by your bs.

  7. mother and girls rest in peace. god help father.

    there is so much pain, demolition. some of them my friend but i do not understand, how russian will leave with this.

    slava ukraine

  8. Pulling team mates out of the rubble at the Ria cafe strike in Kram was the worst day of the war for me. This dad just wailing and crying in this soul crushing way as his daughters were pulled from the rubble dead. And that horrible feeling when trying to dig out this girl and I felt soft wetness pulled my hand up covered in brain and hair of her sister who’s head I just put my hand in. This young lady lying there with the back of her skull missing as her friends just stand staring at her trying to comfort her. Devastating when you see civilians murdered.

  9. We joined forces with the world to fight isis. Why the FUCK aren’t we doing the same against Russia? Why? There is no excuse to sit back and let Ukraine continue to suffer while Russia just does whatever the fuck it wants. We exterminate terrorists, not tie our own hands behind our backs and tell them to stop with a strongly worded letter. Fuck them. I hope Putin suffers for all of eternity. Useless ass terrorists. All of them.

  10. I want this image on the front page of every British newspaper and an immediate explanation from my government as to why we won’t allow Ukraine to strike back and defend itself in whichever way it sees fit. We have the means, they have the necessity.

    No more red lines, no more fucking political bullshit. Let them strike back.

    Ukrainians are paying in blood whilst we deliberate and drip feed vital aid and defences to our so called allies. It’s shameful and despicable from every leader and nation that participate in these ridiculous games.

    Give them what they need and give it to them now.

  11. I saw the video of him getting stitches and being comforted by first responders. All the while, in the background, they are removing his families bodies from the rubble. Towards the end, he begins to breakdown.

    It was one of the hardest and saddest videos I’ve watched, when it comes to Russias war of terror upon Ukraine.

    I cannot imagine the agony he is going through. His whole life, gone in the blink of an eye and by one Russian cruise missle.

    Russians gets upset when everyone calls them the aggressor, the terrorist state and Orcs. The Russian people are in denial and Pootin does whatever he wants. He wants to hit civilian centre’s and civilian domiciles …. because he wants to break the Ukrainians will and their spirits. It’s not working Pootin and it’s just making Ukraine fight harder. Ukraines will and spirit will never break. Fuck Pootin and his “Yes Men” lackies.

    I’m so sorry for this man and all the civilians killed by a ruthless dictator who is terrified of losing his grip on his power. Agh. I’m so mad.

  12. Absolutely terrible, sad, devastating. Russia needs to be stopped, this information needs to find its way to the Russian people supporting their aggressive dictator.

  13. Shit like this is why I donated to the UA FPV pilot on this sub earlier, and encourage others to do the same

  14. This is the stuff of origin stories what a sad day, poor guy such a beatifull family so far away from the front and still lose them by Russian hands. Our hearts are with you I’m so sorry

  15. I somewhat knew the mother and the eldest daughter, they were wonderful. Yes, everybody says good things about every victim, but these people honestly had a special vibe about them. Our mutual friends are absolutely devastated, and I cannot even imagine what this is like for the father.

    It’s afternoon now and I’m still in a stupor, which is maybe exacerbated by a really bad night’s sleep due to the explosions

  16. there is no reason to not help Ukraine with all of our western capabilities, no reason at all ..
    Just weak excuses in my view

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