‘Frustration’ after beach clean-ups fill 700 bags

‘Frustration’ after beach clean-ups fill 700 bags


by m-1975

  1. The social contract in this country is utterly broken. A lot of people do not give a flying fuck about littering, noise pollution, friendliness, respect, and generally “not being a cunt” to others.

    I would love to understand how countries like the Nordics get it so right. They can leave their children in a pram outside a restaurant and find it in exactly the same condition as when they left it. That just wouldn’t happen here, and it makes me so mad.

  2. This is something that really irks me. We constantly hear from a sizable group of people about how we should be proud of the country, yet most of these same people will happily chuck their crisp packets, takeouts, and disposable vapes out willy nilly.

    Sure, there’s less bins around now, but people don’t use them even when they’re there and even in my small town, kids just keep setting fire to them or throwing them down whatever nearby hill/pond they can find.

    The country is filthy to an embarrassing degree.

  3. I am surprised it is only 700 bags. Down in Bournemouth, a good bank holiday weekend can see a literal ton of rubbish left on the beach; the council weighed it out a few years back to discover this. It is not a new issue, littering is a part of British society that people complain about but the perpetrators never face real consequences. It deserves severe social shame, as that is likely the only way to stop people doing it. If the stocks were ever to be brought back, littering would be the perfect offence for them.

  4. The ideal way of avoiding this is having parents bring up their children to respect the environment and have a passion for nature and wildlife, and to teach them never to litter.

    Unfortunately we have an ongoing collapse in parenting standards because all the highly educated people are giving up on having children (i.e. *Idiocracy*), and so obnoxious and antisocial behaviour like this is becoming increasingly widespread. The solution has to be harsh punishments and large fines for littering – the people littering beaches will only stop it they are made to pay for it

  5. Article: largely seems to feature abandoned fishing gear.

    This sub: blames immigrants, bad parenting and lauds the Nordic countries who probably dumped a lot of it in the first place!

  6. I have never understood this about the UK.

    It just seems to boil down to “I have paid my tax so I get to be a slob. They should pay someone to tide up after my discussing ass.”

    You all then look with envious eyes at nations that actually have a working social contract.”

  7. People will look at you, and say they love this country. And then smash bottles on the ground or leave their picnic at the beach. You don’t get to litter and be a patriot

  8. People do not give a shit. “I’m the main character and the world revolves around me”.

    I was in McDonald’s the other day. Tables and tables just left with trays and rubbish from people who had left. “It’s not my job”. I think this one is a good test if you’re a decent person or not – you clear your tray and rubbish out of simple decency.

    I see litter everywhere. Is it so difficult to take your rubbish with you until you find a bin? In some cases I see piles of litter literally meters from the nearest bin.

    A few days ago a car drove past me and the passenger lobbed 2 half full bottles of pop out of the window. Why!?

    Their whole mantra is “someone else will take care of it, so why should I bother?”

  9. When I was living in Pembrokeshire you could walk out onto the beaches and find sucked orange rinds and old yoghurt pots clearly chucked off the barges waiting their turn to load up at the oil refinery at Milford Haven. Really grim stuff honestly. That combined with the sheer amount of fishing waste is so depressing.

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