France sees Channel migrant deaths as a problem of Britain’s making

Meanwhile, France decides to ‘house’ them at Calais, the shortest distance from the UK, in squalor, in a dystopian camp. Am I being ignorant?

Posted by LorenzoSparky

  1. Yeah you’re being ignorant. If they could apply for asylum without having to cross the channel in a boat they wouldn’t drown. Therefore, UKs fault for not setting up legal routes to apply from elsewhere.

    France takes in more than twice the amount of asylum seekers as we do, despite them not speaking English. Be thankful.

    Edit: again, downvoting the answer to your question. Fucking weird people.

  2. No one forced the migrants to pay criminals for a dodgy boat ride.

    France and the rest of the EU countries they passed through on the way there are all safe enough to claim asylum.

  3. If France allowed all the boat people to be immediately be returned to French beaches, the trade would almost stop, overnight.
    Of course some would try lorries as used to be used but the problem on the Channel and in Calais would be much diminished.

  4. It doesn’t seem like many people in this thread actually know the law for applicants.

    Say you’re a doctor in the Middle East, and you flee a war zone and want to get a job in the NHS because you have family here.

    If your journey involves you passing through a safe country, your application will immediately be made inadmissible.

    If you manage to apply, and are accepted, you also then have to wait a full 12 months before you’re allowed to start work.

    Now say you’re just a poor civilian, not a doctor with money and means, but you want to be with your family already settled here and just be safe. How much of the above do you think you’d be able to navigate legally?

    We have created a system that promotes illegal migration.

  5. “He did condemn the smugglers, but most of his comments focused on the lure of what he views as Britain’s loosely regulated job market..”

    I mean its a little true. Cash in hand is very prevalent in the UK. I don’t personally think there are enough checks on businesses with a poor number from the looks actually caught in 2024 to that which is supposedly coming in.

  6. BBC rightly pointing out that the UK funds French efforts on the French coastline to deter the boats. Yet the French still have the audacity to blame the UK’s “loosely regulated labour market” for the deaths.

    No one to blame for deaths except those callous criminal gangs extorting the migrants for every penny and putting them in unsafe boats. What drives migrants to want to come to the UK (abject poverty, war, etc) is a separate story.

  7. The UK is hugely responsible yes. It’s not France’s fault migrants try to reach the UK.

    That’s one of the many things Brexiters got wrong. They thought being outside the EU would make illegal immigration a problem of the past. What they didn’t anticipate is that France wouldn’t give as much of a fuck about people crossing to the UK now that it’s out of the block. It’s not their responsibility to help a neighbour that decided to quit the EU.

  8. Unfortunate, but I don’t see why France being a third world country refugees are desperate to escape from is our problem.

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