Protesters rally against far-right AfD party wins first state election in Germany | DW News

Protesters rally against far-right AfD party wins first state election in Germany | DW News

Protesters have rallied against the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Thuringia’s capital Erfurt, after it won the most seats in the state parliamentary election.

It’s the biggest electoral victory for the German far right since the Second World War.

Demonstrators gathered outside the state parliament to decry the AfD’s victory, and to urge other parties not to work with them.


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#afd #germany #thuringia

  1. The muslums in Germany they don't care about Germany they will never love Germans or American flags or national anthem. In hundred years they will convert Germany in scary muslum nation and all germans will be only a small group.. however people immigrating from all diferent (not muslums) countries in 50 or hundred years will blend in with the rest of Germans AND THEY WILL KEEP AND NOT LOSE THEIR CULTURE AND COUNTRY

  2. "Everyone, together, against fascism."

    Everyone? What about the thousands who voted for the AfD? Not only is their chanting annoyingly like a group of school girls protesting about school meals, but it is also inaccurate.

    I can not say that i am happy with the result, but Germany is a democracy, and people made their choice.

  3. There Exists a force that defies a darkness that lurks within the hearts of mortals And stains the fabric of existence itself it is the shadow that clouds the minds of the righteous the whisper that tempt virtuous the seed of discord that festers and grows in the fertile soil of human frailty it is called evil Evil burn from the depths of bride and envy deemed and hatred spreads and corrupts all that it touches it Twists the nobles of intentions into instruments of destruction turning love into possession justice into vengeance and mercy into cruelty and yet even in the face of such darkness.

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