They mis-spelt felony charges

They mis-spelt felony charges

Posted by maxiranger

  1. I thought it was votes that decided elections but apparently it’s actually how many times you went on fox news and whined your head off.

  2. He hasn’t sat down with an unfriendly interviewer in over a month.

    He just seems to be phoning in his campaign.

  3. She doesn’t need to do any interviews. She’s not a felon and a pedo that picked a couch fucker as a running mate. That’s all she had to do to get my vote in this election.

  4. 34 interviews where nobody gets any truth, just asking the same questions and getting the same answers over and over again for YEARS because the press isn’t capable of following up

  5. 34 interviews…tell me 5 facts you’ve learned. Dictator on day one, opponent is suddenly black, I support abortion rights, I don’t support abortion rights…worthless stuff.

  6. Does that include the time Trump called in on the host’s personal phone and they laughed at him?

  7. That’s all they got. Laughs too much didn’t stick. No natural born children didn’t stick. Biracial didn’t stick.

    “Uhhh… interviews?”

    Meanwhile Trump thinks public schools are performing surgeries and Vance can’t order a donut properly.

  8. That is why he makes a bunch of pointless interviews where he doesn’t answer questions.

  9. So, trump campaigned on the main stream media being evil, but now he’s saying Harris/Walz haven’t interviewed enough with MSM and that’s a bad thing for them?

  10. Nope, this is purposeful. They want their base to associate the number 34 with something positive subconsciously, or to consciously spout it as a talking point in rebuttal to “34 convictions”. “Oh yeah, but he did 34 interviews and she’s only done 1! Checkmate libs”

  11. One is running a campaign. The other is a thirsty, malignant narcissist desperate for attention.

  12. Prerecorded, heavily edited, softball questions and setups.

    Same reasons Harris camp wants the mics unmuted for the debate, if you let dementia Don just speak freely he’s a disaster. Mumbling, rambling, sluring, pointless, usually incriminating himself and were all just waiting because it’s a matter of time before he says something straight up racist about Kamala to her face

  13. Sorry she’s busy literally rushing to catch up on rallies and actually meeting and listening to people on the ground. She’s barely had little more than a month. Trumps been holding his kkk rallies since like 2022

  14. The only reason Trump is doing all those interviews is the fact that he is trying to save his sinking campaign and image.

  15. who cares legacy media has thrown their hat in the ring for Donald Trump.

    Democrats are right to not give them interviews.

    it’s a sick double standard and I think the news media has been completely co-opted.

    notice how Kamala Harris has to show up with spreadsheets and tax assessments meanwhile Donald Trump just has to whisper nonsense policies into the wind

  16. Trump became a candidate about 94 weeks ago ([Nov, 22]( .

    Harris became a candidate about 5 weeks ago ([July, 24](

    At Trump’s pace, we’d only expect Kamala to do another interview this week. 34 in 94 is 2.7 weeks between, and just like Harris, he didn’t immediately start with a flurry of interviews.

  17. You’re dealing with a bunch of Maga Morons who claim to be patriots yet couldn’t pass a 5th grade USA 🇺🇸 history quiz. They think Maga the Hut is their lord and savior and you expect them to be able to spell?

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