The secret to Southern Europe’s fitness: lift for Jesus. The heretic Nordicks and GUNS fatties can’t fathom it.

The secret to Southern Europe’s fitness: lift for Jesus. The heretic Nordicks and GUNS fatties can’t fathom it.

by Al-dutaur-balanzan

  1. This is just a Thursday evening and I’m not even kidding, when Saint Agatha is celebrated in Catania the whole city gets closed up because of the sheer amount of people and reliquiae.

  2. Imagine all this but with cool gods. Like Odin, Ra, Quetzalcoatl. Instead we get the most boring dudes religions have ever created.

  3. luigi writes this while shovelling more of nonnas homemade dishes of carbs down his throat, carbs he will only use one a year to run extravagant golden popery up a hill while the country is poor as shit

  4. “Lift for jesus” My brother in christ you are just buying your bishop a new sportscar. Silly catholics

  5. With the help of Jesus and the Holy Ghost we’ve won 20 champions leagues. Start worshiping you sinners.

  6. Lift for Jesus? This is lifting for Mary. Those pagan Catholics bow down to statues and pray to the dead.

  7. It’s like Dragon Boat racing .. only instead of boats the teams carry palanquins holding religious scenes

  8. You sure it’s not Clostebol? 

    I hear a lot of your athletes ‘acidentally’ come in contact with it. 

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