52 hours later the branch is still here Milan, Italy

52 hours later the branch is still here Milan, Italy


by _ge0rg3

  1. For the uninitiated: What you are seeing here is the fourth branch of the Italian government, established to keep the other tree branches in check as originally plant in the treety of Milan.

    This is the birch of a new era. Please root with us.

  2. how do you feel knowing this reportage is the most professional, unbiased and useful piece of italian journalism in the last few decades?

  3. Has anyone researched the origins of the branch? Who cut it from the tree? Who placed it? What is their ultimate goal, will other European cities also be filled with branches on power lines?

  4. Oh mia bela branch-ettina, che te brillet de lontan, tuta d’or(?) et picinina, ti te dominet Milan… 

  5. I don’t know why a random stuck branch in Italy is posted here daily, but at this point I am too afraid to ask

  6. The Milan Emergency Branch Removal Technician van is there incognito to monitor the situation. Resources from the military and the local police are gathering to assess the danger to society at this time.

  7. Consider yourself lucky having such problems. We would count the years in Hungary instead of hours. My grandchildren would still stare at the glorious branch on the wire. Anyway, I’m watching the developments with great interest!

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