They say revenge is a dish best served cold…

They say revenge is a dish best served cold…

Posted by ew_modemac

  1. That is why he says he will have military tribunals and jail his opponents. People it will not just be his opponents but this action will go down to the local level. Republican party members in you home area probably have lists of people who are enemies. My local mayor does and harasses people on that list.

  2. He’ll never win from Biden.

    He’ll never be as cool as Obama.

    He’ll never be as smart (and happy!) as Kamala

    He’ll never be a father like Walz

    He’ll never be truly happy.

    He’ll never be truly loved.

  3. Well yeah. That, but also, he thought he could win against Biden, now, he’s looking at prison or exile in disgrace.

  4. Still mad at his biggest lie, “If I lose this election, I will never speak to you again; you will never hear from me again.” Mother fucker had never shut up about it.

  5. He don’t have to in his mindset he never lost therefore he don’t need revenge.

    Those issues are easily solved if you have no brain

  6. It’s a lot worse than simply losing in the election against Biden a second time because he could always claim that he actually won like he did the first time.
    This must be pissing him off bigly.

  7. I say we do this every 4-8 years. Let’s watch him lose over and over.

    Personally I think it would be hilarious.

    You know once his court cases start moving again next year he’ll announce his 2028 run…

  8. To play Devil’s Advocate: He already did get his revenge and won against Biden. Biden clearly wanted to run again, and the polls were so bad, he was finally convinced he couldn’t. Trump is angry he doesnt get an easy election, and is sweating bullets at the thought of being held accountable for his actions if he loses the election.

  9. Trump is like a dog chasing a car. He campaigned for Biden to step down, and it happened. When the dog finally catches it doesn’t know what to do with it.

  10. But from his rallies he’s saying Biden is going to come back……….any day now.

    s for the mods that somehow think that everything is offensive and ban. I bet they’re gonna ban me because I said something about mods

  11. But he has though. He just needs to realize that, like how people need to realize that they already are successful. Maybe if he would stop doubting himself he’d see that.

    But will he be ever able to do it? Only time will tell.

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