Epstein’s private island circle in ‘panic’ as Trump threatens to release names

Epstein’s private island circle in ‘panic’ as Trump threatens to release names


Posted by daily_mirror

  1. Trump is lying. He and Jeff raped the same children. He had his chance and continued to protect his rich friend who also raped children. There is no chance trump would release thosr names…

  2. There could be a few people on the list he thinks have the power to kill the cases against him. Threatening to release names could spur them into action. Of course, that would likely end up creating more work for the legal system so, to my mind, it would seem that Trump’s strategy here is to make things worse for himself _and_ drag a whole bunch of people down with him.

    I say, have at it!

  3. Is he going to pull a Faux News and only release “certain names”? I.e. heavily edited J6 footage?

  4. Why..it’s not like he has the legal jurisdiction to unseal any classified info ? More importantly that would be akin to tRump telling on himself and we all know he achieves that through projection. He’s a deeply disturbed, lying, grifting, racist and cowardly man.

  5. He isn’t releasing names or if he was he would be calling for them to be released now to exonerate himself. He is saying what he needs to say to keep the brainwashed cultist voting for him and appeal some to the middle. Trump is flip flopping so much he will say anything to get back in power.  

     We keep getting led around by our noses by the press. We don’t need to debate his policy positions or if he is going to expose conspiracies. He already committed a major conspiracy to retain power. The first president ever to flip off the peaceful transfer of power. He can’t be president again on that alone and that is super major. In no way should he get a get out of jail free card or be allowed any sensitive state secrets. God knows what else this man is guilty of but go on with the Epstein bs meant to distract.

  6. We already know the names, or some of them, he’s on the list. The only list we need is the list of arrest warrants issued to those folks on the videos the FBI confiscated during their raid of the island. He’s attempting to deflect his part in this…again. It’s like the detective who is the serial killer investigating himself.

  7. He’s not going to release this. Threatening to do so might make some think his name is not on the list. That’s what this is.

  8. Trump is resorting to “Vote for me and I’ll tell you a secret”. And hidimg behind POTUS to do it.

    Real small hand energy.

  9. He would never release it. He’s just saying things, as he always does, he would never do it though. He knows he’s on that list.

  10. Let me guess – he will only release it if he becomes President. No one else but him can do it. He is so weird.

  11. If Trump actually cared anything about children being assaulted he’d come forward with that info already, or now. But it’s just another campaign tactic for him. He’ll release those names along with his income taxes, right?

  12. Is this one of those things where we’re supposed to forget that he was already the president for four years and didn’t do anything?

  13. He won’t release the list because he is all over the list, this is just a weird scare tactic to make him out to be some sort of “hero”

  14. He already backtracked and said he wouldn’t because “there’s a lot of phoney stuff in there”…which to me sounds like he’s trying to cover his own ass.

  15. He’ll release that list right after he releases his infrastructure plan, his Obamacare replacement, and his tax returns. This is just another lie told so that his rubes will keep sending him money.

  16. Trump knows that if he releases a list with only one redacted name everyone will know it’s him right?

  17. Why did Epstein not have a dead letter drop? Maybe he time delayed the drop. If he killed himself or was told to do it or someone did it to him. Or the crack down by his billionaire marks on the blackmail list shut down everything on a Walter White level.

    I’m really hoping a lawyer is holding a package with instructions to release 5 years after Epsteins untimely death.

  18. Bullshit. We all know Trump is on that list. He didn’t release it before and no one thinks he will in the future.

  19. Trump isn’t releasing shit. His real answer was ‘uhh well less so the Epstein documents. Lots of lies there’. He only said he would release to documents because the interviewer actually held him to an answer. He was trying so hard to deflect. If he wins it will be back to ‘there are lies in the documents that will ruin the lives of good people’.

  20. He didn’t release the files WHEN HE WAS PRESIDENT so why in the world would anyone think he would do it this time if he was to win? This guy is a lying, cheating, fraud. Don’t believe a word he says.

  21. If the mirror knows that Epstein’s private island circle is in ‘panic’ then they must know who they are.

    The Mirror should release the names if they already know them.

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