Somebody finally got the balls to declare war to Europe!

Somebody finally got the balls to declare war to Europe!

by MeatzIsMurdahz

  1. I can’t imagine the context of all in which you would have to live in and would come before you in order to decide to write this article

  2. How big is this “big”? ’cause eight lads renting a one bedroom flat for five nights isn’t exactly what I call upper class tourism.

  3. Americans are the biggest spending tourists and nobody wants them either fyi.

    Why don’t you go to the beach in Blackpool or Newark

  4. The only big-spending foreigners in Britain are the Russians buying all the houses and getting their dicks well and truly sucked by the previous shower of shit government.

  5. Nothing will make you appreciate indipendent journalism more than whatever shit is forced down Barry’s throat by their demented “national” “newspapers”.

  6. *Scene: very loud and crowded bar full of patrons*

    **Homer:** Hey Moe, you just lost yourself a customer!

    **Moe:** Yeah you can use it.

  7. I don’t have anything against brits, but they are probably the worst kind of tourist we can get from all the europeans, considering they are usualy the younger, noisier, cheaper, drunker and more annoying of them all.

    Don’t get mad, we spanish also are some of the louder, cheaper and drunker tourists as well when we leave our country.

  8. Britons are not getting pissed at tourists simply because there aren’t as many tourists interested to visit them as we have… Nothing much to enjoy for holidays over there

  9. Honestly, no one deserves to have to deal with british tourists. Please keep coming though, need money

  10. True, its totally true. You should all stay away britons. We dont deserve you. Please stay in the uk and dont come here. Because we dont deserve it of course

  11. Deserve? Big-Spending.

    I don’t think you understand how unconsequential you guys are.

    The UK could sink like atlantis 2.0 tomorrow, and we would barely notice.

    No, seriously, you go to places with swarms of tourists from all other the world, and you think you are special?

    Also where do you get your big spending money from now that you fucked your market?

    Our Tourism has always been fueled by Germany, we are glad to serve beer to big spending germans all day and then offer to fuck their girlfriends in the evening when they are too drunk.

  12. noone deserves British tourists

    even germany has not done enough crimes to deserve such a horrid punishment /jk

  13. That lady maybe on to something, Barry should not leave mi rocks island especially those fly with Ryanair or EasyJweez.

  14. > Britons would never dream of harassing big-spending foreign tourist

    They directly stabs you outside of the airport.

  15. Rowan Pelling and J.K. Rolling are very, very lookalike names when read quickly.

    It shouldn’t affext my judgment of character but it does. + her being super obnoxious. I wouldn’t want to be in either of their presence…

  16. Tourism in the UK has dipped quite a bit. It’s one of the most expensive EU country for tourists and you might not need a visa but you’ll definitely need a passport and be asked far more questions than in the past. The UK has stopped reimbursing VAT for foreigners and is adding plenty of new taxes on tourists. Former free museums are likely to become paying museums for non-Brittish.

    The touristic industry has suffered quite a lot since most of their employees came for the EU. So the offer is more limited and more expensive for a worse service.

    If the UK played their cards rights, they might be able to double the number of tourists and it would represent a lot of money for their economy. But it seems that they want to put off potential tourists.

    If my children want to learn English in immersion they’ll go to Ireland, thank you.

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