Grenfell resident Edward Daffarn hours after a fire took his home and the lives of 72 others. He had repeatedly warned the council of a serious fire risk.

Grenfell resident Edward Daffarn hours after a fire took his home and the lives of 72 others. He had repeatedly warned the council of a serious fire risk.

by Satz0r

  1. And no one is paying for Grenfell. CPS hasn’t even started investigating as far as I know. 72 people dead.

  2. genuinely upsetting. with the recent news, I hope the people responsible are brought forward and held accountable

  3. According to the Guardian, the Grenfell Tower report says:

    >There was particular conflict with Ed Daffarn, a resident organiser who was described by the inquiry as “an intelligent, articulate and motivated individual”. Daffarn had questioned the appointment of the architect and ran a blog that vigorously challenged what he and others saw as a failing landlord body.

    >“His language and approach in his dealings with the TMO caused resentment among its staff,” the inquiry found. “One thing is clear, however: those in the TMO who were responsible for managing the refurbishment were nervous of him and allowed him to become a barrier to proper communication with the rest of the community.”

    >The inquiry suggested a more conciliatory approach by Daffarn “might have been reciprocated” but the TMO “ought to have reacted less defensively”. 

    What? He’s partly to blame simply because the TMO couldn’t cope with someone raising safety and governance issues?

  4. Yet another enquiry which finds various people at fault. But nobody will lose their jobs or be held truly accountable. Recommendations will be made but ignored. People will shake their head and say it shouldn’t happen, but it will again because nothing will change. So what’s the point?

    The sad fact is everybody knows things are done incorrectly. Palms are greased, corruption is rife. It’s cheaper to have a few accidents and the subsequent enquiries, pay the legal fees and compensation, than it is to do things properly.

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