ELI5: How is this not spam?

ELI5: How is this not spam?

by _BornToBeTaioseach_

  1. Probably a result of him being banned for 72hrs. Was quiet for a while and if you check his account he stopped posting for three days after admins removed a comment, he then began posting again right on the hour his previous comment was removed.

    I’d say it killed him to see all the news articles of what themmuns were doing and not being able to post it.

    edit: spelling

  2. Worrying behaviour. Has a clear victim complex. Hopefully it’s mostly trolling and doesn’t get on like this in real life, talks about “The RA” more than anyone.

  3. I just wonder if that fella attacks the rest of his life with the same vim and vigour, or if he just puts it all into these spamming sessions about anything even vaguely taigy. If it’s the former, what’s the secret? How do I attain the same level of energy? Avocado on toast? A vegan diet? Space aliens?

  4. Gaz is not actually a person. Gaz is the Platonic ideal of a sad bigot. Gaz is a literary device that parents can point to in order to show their wee’uns how not to behave.

    Gaz exists as a mirror of the worst of us in order to show us what we’d be if we give in to our baser instincts.

    To some, an angel. To others, a demon. To us, Gaz.

  5. Trust me it is but the mods allow anything that attacks unionists or people not in favour of ira

  6. Gaz is a right fucking stupid cunt to be fair. Apologies, I tried to think of a better way to say it but these words are applicable.

  7. > [spam (countable and uncountable, plural spams)](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/spam#English)
    > …
    > 4. Excessive, often unwanted and repeated online messages.

    They’re all local news stories, reported in the regional media.

    Hence, relevant to the sub, and, I’m guessing, they’re not repeat posts.

    Therefore not spam.

    Having an agenda in what you choose to post doesn’t in and of itself make those posts spam.

    (‘Excessive,’ you might say, but that doesn’t really matter when each individual post is kosher on its own. ‘Unwanted,’ you might think yourself, but whether it’s appropriate to the sub is really the relevant standard in this case. Peronally, I appreciate his posts.)

  8. End of the day, in terms of posting he’s doing nothing different than certain others do on here – posting constant news articles of a particular flavour.. So he should not be banned imo.

    The topic of the same ppl posting endless particular news articles has been brought up multiples times before and certain individuals lost their minds as it was potential censoring to stop them etc etc .. which is fair enough I suppose, but with that big gaz should be free to post also. Don’t like it… scroll past. It’s that simple.

    His individual comments may be a different story but that’s the same for everyone really.

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