Maria Avdeeva: It’s hard to breathe today. These beautiful souls—Yevhenia, Yaryna, Daria, and Emilia Bazylevych—were killed by Russia in Lviv. And no, it’s not just Putin; it’s every Russian assembling Kinzhal missiles, launching them at sleeping cities, supporting the war, and staying silent

Maria Avdeeva: It’s hard to breathe today. These beautiful souls—Yevhenia, Yaryna, Daria, and Emilia Bazylevych—were killed by Russia in Lviv. And no, it’s not just Putin; it’s every Russian assembling Kinzhal missiles, launching them at sleeping cities, supporting the war, and staying silent

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. Heartbreaking – this is not a debt that can be repaid in any way, ever.
    Just look at these faces, the happy smiles of these young people – these terror attacks should not go unpunished.

    No one that supports ruzzia should get away with it. I’m not a man of faith, but sometimes I wish there was a hell for people who commit such terrible injustices. It angers me to no end.

  2. Seeing the video of the surviving father/husband watching his family taken from the rubble in body bags is one of the most heartbreaking scenes I’ve had the misfortune to see. I cannot even fathom what this poor man is going through. Another non military target far from the front, just more senseless terrorism from a failed state.

    The rest of the free world needs to put a stop to this and they need to do it now. If Russia slowly grinds out a victory in Ukraine, this will be the scene throughout Europe. Stop trying to look like the good guys and get in there NATO. It must end. Delaying is giving Ukraine to Putin, and giving the green light for countless more aggression throughout the world.

  3. All russians are spineless and traveling that country I had one single thought: These people are truly pieces of shit.

  4. I too saw the video of the husband. That will be another FPV financed by me in October.

  5. Russia needs to be defeated and isolated into the next century or till they come crawling on their knees begging for forgiveness and then they need to be isolated into the century after that. It’s the only way to prevent their lust for violence and destruction from spreading.

  6. While I feel very sorry for the fact they have died… My biggest worry goes to Dad. I can’t even imagine what goes through his head as he has lost everything and everyone. The dearest people in his life dead because one asshole in a country nearby decided that he want to be an emperor.

    There is no right and adequate punishment for people responsible for this war.

  7. I already wrote it on LinkedIN as well, we should allow the UA forces to destroy ALL Russian military with every means the UA forces have at their disposal.

  8. Heartbreaking!

    I feel so bad that our governments do t seem to care enough, it tears me down every time I see these news.

  9. serious question, besides the large and heavy explosive payload, can ukraine stash like 300 pictures with subtitles in their long range drones? most likely a large part of those would fall on russian cities even if they get downed before reaching the target

    i understand that most russians dont care, but some care and even for those that are war supporters it will be an embarassement for them when ukraine shows why it is doing what it is doing, like destroying rusian energy infrstructure, the people that are not supporters of war will look at them and say “ukraine is doing this becase people like you commit terrorist acts in ukraine”

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