Putin’s two secret sons identified: 9yo Ivan and 5yo Vladimir jr live in isolation, travellig around in armoured trains, private jets and helicopters

Putin’s two secret sons identified: 9yo Ivan and 5yo Vladimir jr live in isolation, travellig around in armoured trains, private jets and helicopters


by duckanroll

  1. >The source added that the Putins are constantly looking for new teachers, because “getting along with the family is not that easy.” Dossier found citizens of South Africa, New Zealand and Great Britain among the private tutors employed by the family.

    What happens to the old teachers, are they defenestrated?

  2. kidnapp them… Put them in random resident buildings in Ukraine… so he is always at risk, when he sends missles.

  3. Huh, maybe those are his “little family members who already speak fluent Chinese” he mentioned 2 days ago.

  4. That’s rolling some dice there. He’s built this secret family the entire time he’s been at war with Ukraine.

  5. The weird part is, no matter what Putin is doing, they are dead people walking. They can’t hide forever and the amount of parents and children who want blind revenge is so high, they will get them eventually.

    Well I guess a Zar after all.

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