Promises promises

Promises promises

Posted by Bouncedoutnup

  1. Just like how Rump promised to leave the country if he lost the 2020 election.

    The way the right sticks to their word, I know all their bravado about a second civil war is just talk aside from a few isolated whackjobs.

  2. Times is so bad without Trump. How has he survived the past 4 years and still openly able to stand on the street to make this statement? Does he think Trump is in office right now?

  3. Is this a threat of civil war and death to democrats or is this mass suicide by the cult like Jim Jones “Peoples Temple” cult.

  4. The thing that pisses me off more is not some dick on the side of the road, but that the flag he has is mass produced and has a website. Someone knows what they are doing, and it probably ain’t this guy.

  5. I don’t think these cosplay clowns understand that because of Jan 6th, we now have precedent to act much stronger against the next violent uprising when Trump loses again. The national guard will be called this time, and if militias start committing terrorism across the states then they’re going to find out real fucking fast just how effective and lethal the United States Intelligence Agencies, and Military Agencies are. It won’t be like last time. They’re gonna fuck around and find out. And people will die because of it.

  6. Yup that’s cult thinking alright. I’m fascinated with how cult leaders get people to do crazy things.

  7. MAGA: Vote for Trump and we’ll kill you!

    People: Don’t you mean “or we’ll kill you”?

    MAGA: Ugh fine! vote for Trump OR we’ll kill you!

  8. Trump flag, hat, shirt, check, check, check. Do you think this guy has trump branded tightie whities?

  9. Totally not weird, but maybe actually dangerous. People that think they’ve nothing to lose can be very dangerous.

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