‘Trump is pressuring GOP to shut down the government at the end of this month’: report

‘Trump is pressuring GOP to shut down the government at the end of this month’: report


Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. Now that we know that is the plan, we can use it against members of congress that are clearly working for Trump instead of their constituents. Maybe the press will do their job this time.

  2. >Known criminal and insurrectionist is pressuring GOP to shut down the government at the end of this month help him win the presidential election


  3. This strategy has never worked for the GOP but I’m sure they’ll do it again because they are the literal definition of insane. Fucking cult.

  4. We wouldn’t have this issue if the government had fulfilled its duty and taken action to incarcerate this individual. Despite facing numerous felony charges and continuing to accumulate more, the government has failed to act.

  5. Too bad we can’t seal the flabby dotard up in a cave somewhere. Although in fairness, that’d be a cruel thing to do to the bats and centipedes. They couldn’t even snack on his corpse, as it’d be far too fatty.

  6. If Republicans constantly let him bully them into stuff like this then they’ll let him bully them into pretty much anything.
    I can’t think of when a modern western country has faced such a clear choice between democracy and dictatorship.

  7. He’s nothing but a domestic economic terrorist. Come on, Biden, where are your “official acts”?

  8. There’s nothing that the Cons want to see more than a failing economy. Money always flows to the wealthiest during recessions.

  9. Still amazes me how this guy is still trailing by 2 points and on some occasions still tied with Kamala on some polls.

  10. The GOP never seems to remember when they shut the government down, it screws them over with the ballot box.

  11. “The GOP shut down the government because Trump demanded it. How this hurts the Harris campaign:”

    —NYT, probably

  12. It’s ridiculous how much an individual who isn’t even in office and contributes nothing to the country in any way, shape or form has so much influence on our government’s function. Why?

  13. Shut down his annoying mouth. Dumb ass don’t realize that some of his followers are government employees. But then again, they’d cheer him on while their light get cut off

  14. This has *never* worked out in the GOP’s favor in an election year. They always shut down the government and try to pin the blame on the democrats. The arguments usually boil down to “it’s the democrat’s fault because they’re not caving to our demand that they fully adopt our conservative platform.”

    But the Republicans have been pandering to Trump, and many of them are afraid of losing the MAGA vote if they don’t follow his orders.

    So this will be interesting. They have to do some political calculus. Which will hurt their re-election chances most? Takig the blame for a government shutdown, or losing MAGA support?

    This is also yet another chance to break free from Trump. There are a few articles saying that “in private” republicans are wanting him to lose. This is a chance to stand up to him and make those desires public. They can go on record that they’re defying Trump for the good of the nation.

  15. This will be a giant PR fail like everything else he has done the last 6 years.

    Remember when they put all their eggs in the eggs at expensive basket and then prices went down?

    Remember Kamala Krash and then the markets went and set record highs?

  16. Good, more reason to vote out the Republicans. Obstructionists and only in it for the power to do harm.

  17. So, by shutting down the government, will put people at harm , where by forcing people to vote for someone that says they will end the problem? That seems like a hostage issue.

  18. Shutdowns never work well for Republicans. They almost never affect the Democrats when they happen. I would ask if Trump was stupid, but the last 10 years has already answered that question.

    I wouldn’t want to be Mike Johnson. He has to kowtow to Trump in order to keep from being primaried by MAGA; deal with the Freedumb Caucus; and satisfy the part of the RIght Wing that haven’t lost their fucking minds. Trump’s BS might fly under the radar if he wasn’t so vocal about sabotaging the process to help himself. (see Border Bill)

  19. He wants to be able to blame the democrats like he does for the border and Afghanistan. Trump supporters are gullible and easily manipulated.

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