Climate Change Is Turning Texas Into the New Arizona, and Not in a Good Way

Climate Change Is Turning Texas Into the New Arizona, and Not in a Good Way

by simon_ritchie2000

  1. From the [gift link]( above:

    “Humans can survive whole days without food, shelter or internet, but they can’t last long without water. Which is why it’s so weird that American humans keep rushing to live in places where water is increasingly scarce. The latest dry hot spot is Texas.

    “Texas towns join a long list of increasingly [hot, dry locales]( with booming populations, renewing questions about why Americans keep migrating so relentlessly [toward the climate crisis]( instead of away from it. People escaping wildfires and high housing prices in, say, California are moving into the path of new disasters, with fresh opportunities for [financial ruin](”

  2. I mean I guess Florida being under water and Texas becoming more uninhabitable are pluses or climate change

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