Brixton Street Wear shop faces legal action from US firm over name

Brixton Street Wear shop faces legal action from US firm over name

by BillyBatts83

  1. Context: Some Californian company with zero ties to Brixton, London, or the UK at all (as far as I can tell) is trying to bully Brixton Street Wear out of business. Why? Because these Yanks claim to own the ~~copyright~~ trade mark for the word ‘Brixton’.

    This has really got my goat this afternoon. This is a local business set up by two brothers who pump a lot of their earnings back into the community hub that they also run. In Brixton, funnily enough. Meanwhile, this utterly forgettable US fashion brand wants the trading name in the UK, and so have got their greasy lawyers involved.

    There’s a Go Fund Me page to support BSW’s inevitable court battle. I’m not sure if it’s within the sub rules to post links to those, but I’ll update here if so.

  2. Have they spoken with local government? Brixton officials may not like a company in CA trying to TM the name. They could provide aid, hopefully.

  3. From looking at their (the US firm) website, they don’t seem like a company that would initiate such a nonsense claim. Deeply strange.

  4. Wow it’s rare I see the area I now live and where I used to live in some drama. For context, this is Brixton Manufacturing Co., from Oceanside, California (northern San Diego county). They primarily make surfy fashion hats that people wear indoors.

    Given that the name Brixton is pretty germane in London and tied specifically to a well known neighborhood, I sure hope the hats lose this one. It would be like if a London company tried to trademark the word “Beach” in socal.

  5. Time to make Brixton a Protected designation of origin, you can’t use the name unless you’re in Brixton.

  6. I can’t believe there’s a whole borough of London named after a Californian surfwear brand!

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