This guy is outside my bedroom door, is he a hawk?

He’s got something in his claws, a shrew maybe? Anyone know what he is?

by kodasai

  1. Definitely a sparrowhawk, and he’s got another bird in his claws. Possibly pigeon judging by the colour. They often put their wings out to shield their prey if there’s another raptor or carrion bird nearby.

  2. Sparrowhawk. I saw one of these ripping a pigeon to pieces a couple of years ago, and it was over so quickly and efficiently that I didn’t even have time to feel bad for the pigeon. RIP

  3. That’s a male sparrowhawk! They have beautiful black bars across the chest, yellow/orange eyes, and stunning blue backs. The males are smaller than the females but more distinctive in terms of feather colour and pattern. This one is so cute!

  4. One of them flew into my head two years ago.

    I hope as taking the buns out, walked past a shed and felt like I’d been sucker punched in the side of my head. Looked down and it was flapping about frantically trying to stand up, it had dropped a little bird, and then stared at me. I thought it was going to come at me but flew off.

    I came out from behind a shed, so it must’ve caught the bird and I came out while it had grabbed it. The little bird lived, I watched over it until it came out of shock and was able to fly off.

    But yeah, probably one of the most co fusing 3/4 seconds of my life.

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