A popular Russian singer has bragged about a Chanel cosmetics bag given to her, which was stolen from a Ukrainian woman by Russian military looters.

A popular Russian singer has bragged about a Chanel cosmetics bag given to her, which was stolen from a Ukrainian woman by Russian military looters.

A popular Russian singer has bragged about a Chanel cosmetics bag given to her, which was stolen from a Ukrainian woman by Russian military looters.

by ua-stena

  1. O you can’t blame the Russian people it’s Putins war….Putin has never been near any of these people. They chose this life

  2. I see a god awful pink lunch box and a bunch of inbred russians wearing homemade military tie dye. 

  3. Jokes on her, a nice looking purse just accentuates the fact that she is sort of beat up looking.

  4. This reminds me of world war 2 and what happened in the concertation camps where prisoners were stripped of everything – even teeth and hair.

    russia really have copied the nazi play book and how anyone can accept a “gift” knowing where it’s come from actually makes me physically feel ill.

  5. What is that thing holding the bag? She looks like a skeleton with hair. Congrats to her I guess until her own people take it back from her eventually.

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