Defense of Ukraine: russian terrorists have been shelling our cities for days in a row. These missile attacks on our cities and people show the enemy’s terrorist nature. Long-range capabilities to strike on military facilities inside russia are needed now

Defense of Ukraine: russian terrorists have been shelling our cities for days in a row. These missile attacks on our cities and people show the enemy’s terrorist nature. Long-range capabilities to strike on military facilities inside russia are needed now

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. russian terrorists have been shelling our cities for days in a row. These missile attacks on our cities and people show the enemy’s terrorist nature.

    Long-range capabilities to strike on military facilities inside russia are needed now. It is of utmost importance to halt the russian terror and protect lives.

  2. I hope that never again in the future, not even after decades or centuries, can russians show their faces to the rest of the world without being seen as rapists and war criminals.

    Russians shouldn’t be allowed to travel anywhere without being locked up and forgotten about, like they do to their political rivals.

  3. russians are using iskanders en masse now because they were promised iranian missiles to replace them, this is wild how the west just doesnt react to this

  4. “But but but Escalation!!!” — The West.

    What can Russia do at this point? Nukes? Will they really use nukes?

  5. “But… if we don’t let Russia repeatedly kill innocent civilians in their most recent unprovoked genocidal war of aggression, there might be an escalation of the confict”


  7. The invaders, after being defeated, need to have their land and assets divided up among Ukraine and NATO, so they can never do this shit again. Make the oligarchs homeless.

  8. Unless you have an M2HB in which case you can kill anything with the massive weight of your tungsten balls

  9. We in the West truly are cowards. We’re faced with absolute, unmistakable evil, and all we can do is shit ourselves in fear.

    We do the bare minimum to help Ukraine, and fret over how they choose to defend themselves, in case Russia gets angry.

    If Ukraine falls, we deserve whatever comes next.

  10. Nobody stops Ukraine to shell Russian facilities with self-made missiles. Just get your act together and produce rockets/gliding bombs/drones.

    Wtf? Do we need to hold your hand at all times? Do something yourselves.

    Calling back those millions of male “heroes” (age 20-60) working in EU avoiding fight like true Ukrainian “geroyom slava, slava geroyom”, would help too.

    And yet, Ukraine decides to just beg others rather than fix their own shit.

    Tired of these Soviet beggars, do something yourselves.

  11. The United States need to simplify use of force doctrine, an attack against on Ukraine can be responded with equal measured force on an aggressor.

    If the United States doesn’t want American munitions to be used then let’s help Ukraine build them there and we can say with love from Ukraine and they can hit those critical infrastructure sites in Russia, take all their oil refining capabilities out of the picture.

    At this point, anything that Ukraine captures is theirs, NATO, the US and the UN won’t agree on a buffer zone so Ukraine will make their own.

    Get to Moscow before winter UA

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