The right-wing populism in Czechia is getting out of hand. When political parties found out AI.

The right-wing populism in Czechia is getting out of hand. When political parties found out AI.

by Kroksak

  1. What’s the literal translation of the bottom left one? I notice they didn’t go all-out by just calling the Roma *cigani* as the translation states, but I guess they use some kind of a “neutral” stand-in codeword?

  2. Generative AI that is just convincing enough and requires little talent to use
    Talentless hatemongers who rely on made up fears to get into power

    A match made in hell. It’s very telling how quickly and thoroughly this technology has been embraced by the far right in particular.

  3. Imagine a party underfunded, lazy to the core that they resort to AI instead of hiring professional artists

  4. To be honest … they dont need AI to produce s*** like this. But they dont realy have a chance only one less popular then them here are comunist.

  5. You should have been around during the Italian electoral campaign last June, Lega went _ham_ with shitty AI generated pictures

  6. Tell me all about it. Our reactionaries from SP have also begun excessively using AI for their messages, mostly on Facebook.

  7. Our far-right party SPD is getting increasingly desperate because from 9-12% in polls, they’re now polling at 6%, in danger of not even entering the parliament. So now what they do is spamming poorly made junk ads that are supposed to promote fear and hatred against migrants, EU, and the current government.

    In my opinion, their comic where “SPDman” is beating up our PM is the most hilarious one

  8. LMAO are these idiots stating that due to EU regulations what they eat is absolute crap?

    I absolutely detest apparatchiks but the EU bureaucrats need to step up and get their shit together and start making simple infographics or tiktok/instagram reels explaining what the effects of regulations are.


  9. It’s your worst fear that your narrative is failing.
    Let me guess you belong to a religion that starts with J ? 🤢

  10. Looks like all they problems can be solved by leaving the EU.
    Its working great for UK,its gonna work great for them too.


  11. I don’t get how out democracies don’t take this seriously. It’s hate speech, it directly alienates and targets minorities.

    Same goes for my country tbh. I keep seeing billboards saying: “they fail for 50 years” (literally how long our democracy has been in place), “give me a chance”

    As if time during a deeply conservative dictatorship was better, where you couldn’t be seen with more than 2 or 3 people because you might be “conspiring against the state” and be sent to a concentration camp in Cape Verde.

    These far right idiots are insane

  12. It gives me existential dread knowing this kind of shit works on some people (and I know a few of them)

  13. Propaganda is not crazy if it works. Looking at the polls in Czech: This type of Propaganda works. ANO has over 30%.

  14. Wondering why the gypsies are being hated in every country.

    Who would hate such talented, good-hearted and trustworthy people like the gypsies?

  15. “Getting out of hand” lol okay, it’s still mild propaganda compared to what is happening recently on polish social media platforms.

  16. Jsou to odporní fašouni ale “cigáni” tam fakt nenapsali, směješ se jim ale taky se nechováš ok, překrucování textu nikomu nepomůže.

  17. Heh, I saw it in 2008, in Ukraine. We had a pro ruzzian populist party “Partiya Regioniv”, they’ve used absolutely the same approach(provided by moscow).

    Btw it’s quite effective:

    – targets low educated masses

    – inflate non existing problems

    – provide solutions for non-existent problems

    – provide non achievable solutions for real complex problems

    – blame opponents

    – lie

    – blame opponents

    – lie

  18. It’s exactly the same narration in every country, and it’s equally untruthful everywhere. Sad to see how many people are falling for it. I don’t expect everyone to be leftists, but I definitely expect them to not be this stupid.

  19. The insecurity and lack of logical understanding in anyone (voters) who is moved by these is the real scary thing.

    Education should be accessible to everyone.

  20. I particularly like how the bottom right image *still* says the opposite of what they are trying to say.

  21. În Ro is about the same!!! We actually assist to the downfall of EU. Many of this concerns are true in the minds of Eastern European citizens of the EU!!

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