Ok, everyone, big smiles!

Ok, everyone, big smiles!

Posted by Burninator6502

  1. Come on, almost all the Trump voters will be dead around the same time trump is, it’s an aging demographic.

  2. Not really an accurate picture of trumps grave. No one is dancing or peeing on his grave.

  3. I’m 65 years old so I’ve now had many family members and friends pass away.

    Not ONCE have I stood over their graves and smiled and given a thumbs up.

    Not once.

    WTF is *BROKEN* in him?

  4. Only three of them brought their wrap-around shades. Not at all true Conservative patriots! s/

  5. When he dies, I’m gunna fly to the US, eat McDonalds, Pop-Eyes, & chipotle then visit his grave with the greasiest shit to ever come out of a human being.

  6. Trump’s grave will never have this few people. He will finally attract the crowd size he dreams of.

  7. Trump will have to pull a Genghis Khan when he’s buried so that no one will be able to find his grave.

  8. He can’t be buried. The earth surrounding his casket would be poisoned for decades.

    Like Chernobyl.

  9. Wow, I mean, they should be planning on putting Trump’s grave somewhere really well hidden because from what I hear his headstone is going to be *drenched* in pee.

  10. I’d never stoop so low as to act like him.

    But I think I will mark the anniversary of his demise with a bottle of nice wine.

  11. He wouldn’t get the option of a head stone If I were involved. I’ll stand next the the place some dog crapped and point down if necessary.

  12. His grave should be a part of his greatest legacy, bury him on the Mexican border with his head facing south, a toilet right over it with a pipe that leads right into his mouth, so he can eat shit for eternity.

  13. This is an excellent idea! And as for contemplating concerns from butt-hurt white nationalist MAGA nutters, I’ll just paraphrase Melania, I don’t really care, do you?

  14. They will do that. Trump’s grave and Trump Tower will be where MAGA idiots go to worship their Orange Jesus. It’ll be a straight tourist trap for right wing weirdos, kind of like how the Elvis obsessed boomers used to converge upon Graceland.

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