Alarmed Republicans in Full Panic as Trump’s Support Among Women Plummets

Alarmed Republicans in Full Panic as Trump’s Support Among Women Plummets

Alarmed Republicans in Full Panic as Trump’s Support Among Women Plummets

Posted by newsjam

  1. There’s a famous saying among Republicans, “There’s an old saying in Tennessee—I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, ‘Fool me once, shame on…shame on you. Fool me—you can’t get fooled again.”

    Republicans have nominated him for President 3 times. Across all these years there’s an article that comes out at least once a month about Republicans worried about something Trump caused and they never learn from it.

  2. I wonder why women wouldn’t want to vote for a convicted rapist who wants to force you to have a baby

  3. Never forget that Trump is responsible for restricting the bodily autonomy of our nation’s women and underage girls.

    Vote accordingly.

  4. Trump is a convicted criminal and a rapist also, the shit he is saying about Kamala Harris is not helping him with other women.

  5. Maga men cannot accept votes from women or they start transitioning to women! Jesse Watters said that voting for a woman makes maga man grow a vagina. Receiving votes from women does the same thing to real maga patriots!

  6. Shocking, I know, especially after they’ve seen how he’s behaved with women FOR HIS WHOLE LIFE.

  7. I think women will vote for the party that wants to give young girls a free lunch at school. 

    Not the one that’ll force them to carry a rapist’s unwanted baby to full term.

    Seems like a no brainer, really.

  8. In all fairness, no woman in her right mind would vote for this individual given he past exploits.

  9. Lots of Republican panic in these headlines for such a tight race. Engage, donate, volunteer, and let’s not neglect House and Senate.

    (The fact that JD Vance is a woman-hating incel without a moral compass, who makes Brett Kavanaugh look like a champion of women’s rights, has almost no impact on Trump’s chances.)

  10. What was the strategy to win over women? They’ve done an excellent job pushing women away. Ohhhh. We’re supposed to fawn all over that alpha male macho stuff. Yeah. No.

  11. You think…

    They keep sending me trad wife texts saying that I should support trump because he will ban birth control and keep women at home.

    It’s not working the way they think it is.

  12. Call me crazy but it’s almost like these dedicated Trump supporters who insisted Trump should be the Republican nominee again are maybe just really out of touch with what most people in America actually want and believe.

    These Trump supporters are in for another wake up call! They insist everyone else is actually out of touch and delusional, but they are projecting.

    It’s really sad.

  13. What the hell do they expect? Its like both Trump and Vance are doing and saying everyhting in thier power to piss off women.

  14. Maybe they should have stayed out of women’s uterus. . And quit practicing medicine without a license!!

  15. They should split into maga and gop parties since the magas don’t think the gop are tough enough and won’t vote for them in the primary, so the maga candidates win and they are horrible. Gerrymandering allows the most extreme candidates to win and block all progress. Maybe enough people are tired of the maga crazy train.

  16. It amazes me that he had as many women supporter that he did. Like wtf! He literally said “grab them by the p*ssy” like wtf is wrong with you!

  17. Are they really surprised by this…anyone who was paying any attention after the Roe v Wade reversal could have seen this coming a mile away. And DonOLD and JD have only made it worse…

  18. It’s not only women anyone who could vote for Donoldman after Arlington is one sick bastard.

  19. Jeeze, it’s so hard to imagine why women are abandoning him. They need to walk away from the entire GOP that enables, fluffs, apologizes for, empowers and worships this cretinous bully.

    Get this example of who he really is out there circulating far and wide, right now:

    # Katie Johnson’s full testimony on Trump sexually assaulting her when she was 13 years old.


  20. Republican pollster Frank Luntz couldn’t find enough young undecided women for a focus group.

    All of them had decided on Harris.

  21. What worries me is his running mate. Trump gets in and next thing you know it they are using the 25th amendment to do away with DonOld and weird JD is moving into the WH and destroying our nation.

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