Biden may start forgiving student debt in October

Biden may start forgiving student debt in October

by FUSeekMe69

  1. I borrowed $150k to get a worthless degree. Biden, I demand you forgive my loan! I don’t want to pay it back! I want my loan forgiven in exchange for my vote!

  2. I don’t believe it. He’s spent four years punting on this issue and marijuana decriminalization.

    At best, it will be some minor program that is means tested so that 2000 handicapped teachers from disadvantaged communities get $1000 in forgiveness

  3. The Biden admin has been working their asses off to find ways around Republican obstructionism, and most have been successful. They are also working on eliminating “junk fees” in a student’s tuition. While issues clearly remain in the financing of higher ed, they’ve at least taken steps to combat the cost.

  4. He knows it will take the courts at least a month to overturn it so it is 1 month before the election. smh

  5. “Biden” is doing no such thing. He is a walking potato and cannot think or speak coherently anymore. He is definitely not running our government.

  6. Republicans scream that this is buying votes. I call promising tax cuts and not cutting social security buying votes too.

    So fuck it. Biden, forgive the debt! Get them votes!

  7. He has been president for 44 months out of possible max of 48 months and he can’t even get his core promise delivered! Why are we even electing people like him?

  8. Does the President ever face the threat of jail for repeatedly and willfully violating judge’s orders?

  9. He doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell to win over young voters. We see right through him.

  10. Biden still hasn’t considered pushing Congress to allow student loans to be discharged in bankruptcy?

    Of course as a Senator, Biden introduced one bill and voted on two others that delayed and ultimately prevented loans from being discharged.

  11. He’s been pushing to enforce policies that forgive student loan debt from the beginning. It’s not “here … Everybody is covered” but a bunch of “if you’ve been paying this long…” Or “if you were screwed over by a terrible school” etc. still affected a ton of people.

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