Saw something new in the bus today

Saw something new in the bus today

by iowneveryiphone

  1. I’d happily say thanks to the bus driver if I was walking past them to exit at the front of the bus, but since in London the exits are middle and back it’s a bit odd shouting to the whole bus ‘THANK YOU!’ rather than politely as you pass by 😂

    If they want us to start saying thanks then let me out via the front like in the picture

  2. I ALWAYS thank the driver, nice and loud with bonus wave. I swore I’d always do this when I received my UK citizenship.

  3. No parsnips for those that won’t say anything.

    You should declare to the whole bus as you exit out the middle (shaming those before and after you remain silent.)


  4. No parsnips for those that won’t say anything.

    You should declare to the whole bus as you exit out the middle (shaming those before and after who remain silent.)


  5. Canadian – we always thank the driver, even if we leave via the back door (although I must admit that if the person ahead of me says thank, I probably won’t)

  6. Londoners are more polite than they get credit for. On my bus route home from school we had a small bus with only the one door at the front. Every single person would say thank you when they got off at every age group.
    Sometimes, I shout thank you when getting off at the back, but often it seems more impolite to shout in passengers’ ears. A wave or nod as the driver pulls off does the trick as well.

  7. Idk why but I always thank the driver after I use my oyster card at the entrance. A weird reflex. Like I’m thanking them for the fact that they just let me onto this bus lol

  8. We say “cheers drive” here in Bristol. Every time I’ve gone back to London to see my dad and I’ve been on the bus, if I thank the driver it’s as if I’ve kicked a puppy.

  9. I always get off and chuck my hand up to say thanks (you know the way we say thanks to cars) and they always smile and see it if im going in the directiom of towards the driver but if im going off the other way sometimes they do and sometimes they dont but sometimes they see it in their mirrors. Cos thats the only respectful way of saying thanks as shouting it down the bus just looks weird and disturbs others.

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