My son has just started secondary school and has to use an app called class charts so we as parents know when he’s done well, bad, got homework etc… and the reviews for it on the AppStore are a solid 10/10.

My son has just started secondary school and has to use an app called class charts so we as parents know when he’s done well, bad, got homework etc… and the reviews for it on the AppStore are a solid 10/10.

by mikewatt-ta

  1. Can’t stand stuff like this. What happened to planners and being reviewed at parents evening?

  2. Luckily I finished school about 3 years ago now. Class Charts can fuck off. Up there with Accelerated Reader for the worst things humankind has invented.

  3. My son seems to get the greatest number of good reviews from teachers on days when he’s off sick.

  4. So this post is basically a poorly disguised ad for some cheesy software, as it’s clearly not an actual post made by a normal person?

  5. As a non-parent raised in the 80s and 90s this is so weird to me. You’re learning how to function autonomously as a secondary school pupil. How does that work if your parents are digitally involved in all of your schooling? It’s seems creepy.

  6. I was well behaved at school and generally got a good report at parents’ evening, but even I would have hated being constantly monitored like that. Wasn’t there an episode of *Black Mirror* in this sort of vein?

  7. It was bad enough being young and spotty at school, i cant imagine being watched 24/7 for reports back to my parents on my every action, that so harsh.

  8. I used to occasionally work with someone who would get regular updates about her daughter at nursery.

    It was shit like “*Child* has eaten 1/2 of her Weetabix” or “*Child* had a 16 minute nap at 1103” not forgetting “We changed *Child’s* nappy at 0947. There was only urine present”

  9. I remember when my children were in grade school back in the 2000s. The school insisted that we use a weird pay app for school trips, pizza days, etc. It connected directly to your bank account. Cash would no longer be accepted for payment.

    Being in IT, I checked it out. It was owned by a Chinese controlled company. We are in Canada.

    There was a history of double or triple debits with a long, drawn-out refund process. Oftennwith zero credit being given back.

    When I refused and explained I would not connect for direct withdrawal to my bank account with this sketchy company, I was chastised by school staff that said I was making it up and my children would not be able to participate in events and trips.

    I warned them families would be susceptible to double withdrawals. One staff member told me I watched too many movies.

    I went to the schoolboard and showed them the email trail, and that cash was legal tender. Turns out our school had put this in place on their own. The program was quickly abandoned. The board had to refund any and all amounts that were not refunded.

    It seems the person who instigated this direct payment plan was getting a kickback. So, it wasn’t to make it easier on staff collecting payments. It was a self enrichment scheme. That person is gone as well.

  10. If that’s the standard of their spelling and grammar, then I’m amazed that the pie chart got to all green in the first place

  11. Used right it’s a good idea, all the times kids go home and say ooh I got detention for nothing the teachers hate me.

    Well actually little Billy I can see here that you shit on a table in maths class. 

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