The “independent” head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, hugs the Russian invaders at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia NPP

The “independent” head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, hugs the Russian invaders at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia NPP

by Igor0976

  1. This man has a crucial job to do and that includes maintaining a relationship with the folks who control the nuclear power plant. That is the only way he can influence outcomes. So these things occur, even though he may be privately holding his nose and biting his tongue, simultaneously. Come to think of it, I should have been better at that dual skill.

  2. The plant at Zap has not yet blown up. We should be grateful for that. If it means he gives neck massages and hand shandys to influential Russians, thank god it works.

  3. This seems the best thing to do to maintain access to the plant. What would happen if he turned up and told them to F off? That would be the last time he got anywhere near the place.

  4. I’m sorry but this man is braver than any of us Redditors. He went there, giving up years of his private life, without knowing whether the Russians would stick to their agreements and if he would ever return home alive.

    His assignment relies on working with these Russians, if he’d be pissing on them and refuse interaction, he might as well have stayed home.

  5. Their relationship needs more context than a few seconds of video. These guys may be ecstatic to greet a person who may be contributing significantly to them not getting attacked while they sit at a nuclear facility.

  6. Op you are freakin stupid for posting this with such title, do you want him to piss russians off and no long have access to the plant to ensure we dont have a nuclear meltdown??

  7. Fucking bullshit overdubb IN ENGLISH!! How stupid does oh right. This is reddit. Nevermind!

  8. Guys, remember. Russia can’t blow up ZNPP because if it did so, entire territory currently occupied by Russia would be affected and a lot of Russia. That means their soldiers will die on the battlefield (Russia will be left without army) and those in Russia will suffer a lot. Not to mention, that could potentially lead to NATO starting to fight the war because radiation will come to NATO member countries.

  9. Bull shit headline. He needs to be friendly with all sides to retain access and keep us all safe. If you cant see that you need a dose of reality….honestly the reddit propaganda is so fucking dumb

  10. I wonder if he’s going to ask why they put car tires in the cooling tower and set them on fire.

  11. I feel sorry for the bloke
    Bet he scrubs himself in the shower when he gets home. He has to act nice because Russians with a bit of power love ass lickers. Otherwise they would just lock doors on him and be obstructive. I’ve noticed a few posts that all try and get us to hate Western institutions lately.

  12. Remember when IAEA *didn’t* find ruZZian mines in the ZPP? Can’t snitch on your huggin’ bros!

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