The “independent” head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, hugs the Russian invaders at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia NPP

The “independent” head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, hugs the Russian invaders at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia NPP

by Igor0976

  1. Iranian Assets Eagerly Accepted? Nah…Idiotic Argentinian Eats Ass? Nope…I’m An Enemy, Andrzej? We’re getting close…

  2. Like every International Org*. Corrupt as F.

    Let’s hug the people committing genocide!

    Edit to add: * Government-sponsored Orgs. Plenty of fine International Orgs like Doctors without Borders etc.

  3. I have no ideas who are people on the right. Could be the Ukrainian director of the facility who has to still make it run and a hug is more than appropriate. Sorry this video without certified context does not say nada

  4. Peeps need to understand this guy is most likely doing this to assure future access to the site. Lots of NGO’s have to operate with some complacency because it’s the only leverage they have in conflict zones. You don’t want your staff to magically get arrested at the next checkpoint because you critiqued the people with the guns.

  5. Some of these Russians who are senior in the Russian Nuclear Energy Agency or Regulatory Agency may well have worked in Vienna for the IAEA for 5 or 10 years and then returned to Russia, so they are known as colleagues to Rafael Grossi. As a senior diplomat, Rafael Grossi must maintain these cordial relationships in order to get maximum access and more information than if you go in with a frosty attitude.

    Remember that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

  6. The russian occupiers have tortured staff members, committed executions, and originally had znpp workers operate the plant in slavery conditions.

    Yeah this guy needs to resign and explain himself.

  7. I’m going to be downvoted  here. But Grossis job is to be neutral.

    Hes doing the best anyone can to to prevent nuclear incidents, or at least to document the bullshitery that Russia tries to get away with.

    I strongly recommend reading and following the IAEA news updates on their website to see the kind of constraints the have to operate under.

    Sometimes you have to be polite to a Bastard Invader so they will let you check that the piles aren’t going critical, or that their fuckwit troops aren’t getting ready to demo a coolant pond.

  8. I assume that he barely has an option there – if he wouldn’t be overly friendly the IAEA probably couldn’t even check anything at that power plant.

  9. the guy has to do his job amid ferocious conflict, he’s got to stay friendly to have easy access to the work sites

  10. Man, you’ve got to get in there without making enemies, the Russians could just as easily not let him in and cause all kinds of shit.

  11. Diplomacy involves a lot of wading through shit. If you want to cook a frog make the pot look like a bathtub with lilies.

  12. To be fair, these are all scientists that maintain cooperation with one another regardless of their nation-state. Think about the astronauts/cosmonauts on the ISS. They’re concerned with the safety of the power plant. The Russian military and leadership are the bad actors.

  13. Isn’t the job of this guy to hug ANYONE regardless of their side or take on the war?

    If he needs to visit the power plant which is controlled by some people, what do you think he was supposed to do? Come with a rifle and starts shooting?

  14. Honestly with this, unlike the WHO, I don’t really care. He’s there to check and monitor the safety of nuclear power plants. The political theatrics don’t matter when it’s something this serious, and it’s not like Russia is just going to hand over the territory around the power plant back to Ukraine, nor does any organisation have the power to do so as Russia just does what it wants anyway. So, boohoo, he hugged the invaders, big deal. Be glad he’s there to begin with.

  15. Cunt. My father used to work for the IAEA. The grinding noise in the background is him spinning in his grave. Actually its his ashes, in a whirlwind, in a jar, in my bedroom… But for all the same reasons.

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