Republicans Are Privately Debating ‘how best to accelerate Trump’s exit’

Republicans Are Privately Debating ‘how best to accelerate Trump’s exit’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – While Republican lawmakers are publicly rallying around former President Donald Trump, in private many of them are reportedly hoping he goes down in defeat to Vice President Kamala Harris this fall.

    [Politico’s Jonathan Martin reports]( that “the most fervent private debate” among Republicans right now is “how best to accelerate Trump’s exit to the 19th Hole.”

    Some Republicans believe that they are better off with Trump winning the White House on the grounds that he will be theoretically term limited and thus can be shoved off the stage after 2028.

    Should he lose to Harris this fall, the thinking goes, “he would once again insist he was cheated and hold out the possibility of a fourth consecutive bid, prolonging the party’s capture.”

    Other Republicans, however, want to have Trump gone as quickly as possible and they think that they could hold off major policy advances by a Harris presidency by retaking the Senate this fall and by having a conservative Supreme Court restrict any objectionable executive orders she issues.

    “One high-level Republican, conceding it may only be ‘wishful thinking,’ even floated the idea of a Harris victory followed by Biden pardons of both his son, Hunter, and Trump,” reports Martin. “That would take the issue of both cases off Harris’ plate and, more to the point, drain the energy behind Trump’s persecution complex so that Republicans can get on with the business of winning elections.”

    Additionally, Republicans tell Martin that they like their chances of winning elections in 2026 much better should Trump not be in the White House.

    All the same, writes Martin, taking the party back from Trump won’t be easy no matter what happens this fall.

    “You’re assuming Republicans have a top of the ticket problem and not a voter base problem,” Terry Sullivan, a former GOP strategist, reportedly told Martin. “It’s not like our leaders have been leading the voters to the wilderness against the voters’ judgment.”


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  2. You losers had 2 easy opportunities already with impeachments 1 and 2. You had more opportunities with his 88 (fitting isn’t it?) indictments and 34 convictions (so far).

    Since you clowns don’t seem to learn, I’m happy to make this as painful as possible for you. Ya’ll are going down with the ship and as long as I’m alive I’m disinclined to either forget or forgive.

  3. Occam Razor states the simplest is the most likely answer. So Republicans just vote Blue from top to bottom, then he is gone until 2028 when he will run again from prison.

  4. Spike his Big Mac… cut brakes on golf cart… drop that bullet-proof glass shield… walk a hundred yards… so many ways!

  5. Start with not letting him win in November.  Even if he does go for another round, in 2028 he will be 82 years old with an accelerated decline in mental facilities.  Much easier to ignore.

  6. Nope you birthed that monster. I know this goes against GOP beliefs but post birth abortion isn’t a thing.

  7. Won’t happen. Trump and MAGA **are** the party now. Trump dying or choosing to withdraw from political life and commentary are the only ways that this happens. Whoever replaces Trump as the de fact head of the party will be exactly like Trump in agenda and rhetoric, but lack his charisma and the cult of personality around him. Which, liberals seem to think will be a good thing, because they’re stupid.

    When Trump isn’t in the picture, the Republican party won’t change. All that will happen is more centrists will be sympathetic to voting Republican again.

    Just remember that Trump was a lifelong Democrat, and I’m still not unconvinced he was a plant by the party to destroy it from within. I mean – a politician as unpopular and unimpressive as Joe fucking Biden is revered by liberals for fear of the fascists.

  8. Put him into a Boeing Starliner. Those work fine right? He kinda already has the party’s nomination to run for president, according to him, that can’t be backed out of, so… you just have to wait until this round of elections is done.

    Or you can send a request to the justice department, requesting all of the convictions do their sentencing now. And any current “on hold” investigations start up. After that pretty sure he gets to go to the proper place – an 8×6 Jail Cell.

    Republicans made their bed with him. Now they are finally waking up to the simple fact: Trump is a Terrible human being, and now it’s reflecting on the entire party. I Hope every single republican up for re-election either condemns Trump, OR loses their bid for re-election.

  9. Be mindful of this though, trump may be ousted, but project 2025 will still be there and revised for the next candidate

  10. It’s almost as if we could have seen this coming. Maybe they should have voted to convict him after he was impeached 2 times.

  11. Their last attempt failed twice since he didn’t even get a sustainable boost from it.

  12. They can help deal with the recount lawsuits that Maga will be sending after he loses the vote. Hopefully it won’t be Democrat vs Republican, it will be Maga vs everyone.

    I personally know a lot of Republicans who can’t stand him, this is a real phenomenon.

  13. maybe they should not have compromised what little integrity they had in the beginning to bow down to him in the first place

  14. Even when he is long gone. I will never listen to anyone that I know supported him. Be it a politician, friend, family, coworker or etc…

  15. “You’re assuming Republicans have a top of the ticket problem and not a voter base problem,” Terry Sullivan, a former GOP strategist, reportedly told Martin. “It’s not like our leaders have been leading the voters to the wilderness against the voters’ judgment.”

    This is such a cop-out excuse. If they had done a better job as a party of unifying against Trump and showcasing how much of a loon he was, they could’ve been done with him already. They had a full and complete out when they could have voted to convict Trump and impeach him of J6, and they shirked that responsibility hoping he wouldn’t be able to come back from the political stench. But they’ve caved and bowed and bent the knee at every single opportunity. I can’t wait until he gets whomped in November, and the entirety of the GOP cannibalizes itself in the subsequent power vacuum.

  16. “Okay, we need a giant cane with a hook on it to pull him off stage. Sound good?”

    Vote him out, you idiots. You created this monster. I’m kinda burnt out on the “gee whiz, this guy might be a problem” crap coming from the GOP.

  17. In France we have a variant of the trebuchet called Couiilard (from couille which means testicle in slang) – I think this would be appropriate for him.

  18. Who gives a shit. Until they do something publicly it’s just the usual craven cowardice we see every day from the right. Waiting until Trump has no power or control is meaningless, especially since these are the very people empowering him.

  19. No they aren’t, this is one of those stories the media writes based on absolutely nothing. There is nobody in the party sitting in a room with Donald Trump and telling him he needs to get out of the race. Period.

  20. Republican Party is dead. The MAGA Party wants a new candidate so they can implement Project 2025 which will be called something new. Let the guy lose the election and then let the court system take him to prison. They delayed the inevitable by not impeaching his guilty ass.

  21. Bro, say what you will about the Democrats, but at the very least they heard their constituents after the Biden debate and responded accordingly…

  22. They could have stopped this horseshit almost 10 years ago by denouncing him and not giving him the time of day. But now they’re worried?

  23. Ha ha… vertebrates evolved 500 million years ago. If republicans don’t have a backbone by now it’s unlikely they will get one before trump’s earthly demise

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