The Premier League approve Chelsea selling 2 hotels to a sister company in order to meet PSR requirements.

This is genuinely sad to see. You see Chelsea's sister company (also owned by Boehly) buy Chelsea's 2 hotels for £76 million. Whilst clubs like Everton get point deductions for building a stadium to replace one that is 132 years old.

It's very clear to see who these corrupt people who have somehow found their way at the top of the pyramid favour.

by orangejuices1

  1. We love this game but we need to distance ourselves from it a bit. it’s dead it’s corrupt we shouldn’t be allowed opinions it’s a waste they do t care about us

  2. There is, presumably, a good reason why these sorts of transactions are ok. I have no idea what it might be, but the fact 8 or 9 other clubs voted to keep it in place (in June, after the transactions were first reported on) indicates other clubs do it too.

    I get why people are irate – I would be too if it was like Man Utd doing it – but feels like everyone here is howling at the moon. I’d love someone who understands this stuff to explain it to us (in simple terms 🙂) and why it is ok.

  3. I don’t understand why people are upset.

    As long as it’s sold at fair market value this is fine. If they own something why shouldn’t they be allowed to sell it.

    Use your head guys.

  4. Officials with no desire to be judicious and a league with no desire to create an equitable and sporting competition.

    The game is unrecognizable anymore.

  5. So technically…. can Fulham sign pro wrestler Will Osprey to the squad, then have AEW pay a $100mil transfer fee for him? Then spend big in the transfer window? (or instead of a wrestler… have them buy a pencil or something from Fulham for $100mil)

  6. Completely crooked. So one team can’t be sponsored by a sister company, but another can be given money for an asset by a sister company.

  7. How does a football club come to own a hotel as an asset, and why does it count towards FFP? I wonder what other assets could be acquired and sold.

    Were the hotels earnings counted as revenue towards FFP, too? It seems like football clubs could acquire lots of non-footballing assets and use these to boost their revenues and their FFP positions.

  8. The story is really one sentence – “The sales have since been ratified by the Premier League under what is termed a ‘fair market valuation’ under the league’s associated-party transaction rules.”

    The PL completed its valuation analysis and found the sale to be at an arm’s length (FMV) price, albeit between related parties.

    In contrast, the club proposed then cancelled a sale of Deivid Washington to Strasbourg last week, reportedly because the rumored sale price of €21m was (internally) deemed outside the range of reasonable valuations.

  9. Don’t necessarily mind this counting if Everton hadn’t been shafted. As long as buying the hotels for a future club would count to FFP the other way too, and it is fair market value, fine

    But Everton have been absolutely shat on tbh

  10. The rules are the rules, the Premier League rules are set by the members and the clubs decided not to close this loophole

    Can’t go crying now it’s being utilised

  11. All of this loophole shit that Boehly and Eghbali have been doing ever since they took over the club is genuinely embarrassing. It’s hard to recognise the sport anymore tbh.

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