The “Nazi butchers,” according to Russia

The “Nazi butchers,” according to Russia

by UNITED24Media

  1. Meanwhile a russian team : an alcoholic night guard, an alcoholic vokda distillery worker, a convicted murderer who was a cocaine dealer, a fisherman now turned rapist and murderer, and an alcoholic.

  2. For mother orcia, everybody are nazies besides them. Dont be mad at them, it is a mental illness, you know, a brain misfunction.

  3. That’s what’s tragic. Jake Sullivan, being the cowardly little piece of shit allows these people to die fighting a genocidal barbarian horde because “”Ooh, we don’t want to escalate…!”

    Chamberlain of the 21st century.

  4. This is getting really ridiculous… The Russians have Nazis in the front lines and they don’t even care to hide them. At the same time they talk about denazification.

    Rusich Group recently killed some Chechen dude who left the front lines(?) for fun and made a big deal about it online.

  5. This is so sad, those people should be contribute to the economic / scientific grow of their country, and not dying against a horde of alcoholic sociopaths…..

  6. I mean… Counterpoint

    Hitler – painter

    Himmler – Farmer

    Göring- history buff

    Bad people are still humans

  7. Woo, science crew representin’

    He actually looks a bit like a biomedical scientist i work with in the UK… better check he’s still in work tomorrow.

  8. These guys are complete hero’s for me. There can’t be anything more ‘right” than fighting for your family and mates. I hope they survive this horrible war and live long happy lives afterwards.

  9. The Ukrainian Nazi thing is definitely overblown, but you can’t deny that they exist. If you put Neo-Nazi or white supremacist symbols on your unit patches, people should rightfully be suspicious.

  10. Are honestly trying to claim Ukraine doesn’t have a problem from their WW2 era past? Poland seems to think so.

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