A wild Hornet Queen drone equipped with an automatic rifle on its first combat deployment—targeting a position with russian forces.

A wild Hornet Queen drone equipped with an automatic rifle on its first combat deployment—targeting a position with russian forces.

by Due_Collar_3917

  1. Can’t imagine it’s easy to hit anyone with this, but it must be terrifying to have this drone harassing your position. it would surely distract and make everyone look up, I guess it would be a great tool to provide cover for Ukrainian troops that make a move?

  2. Interesting demonstration. Now it needs a proper doctrine.

    Oh, and please deinvent that shit after the war.

  3. Why even bother to upscale this to 720p when it’s probably not even 240p? OPSEC maybe?

    I’d love to see this in better quality…

  4. They’re not even spacing out the episodes. We get the dragon drone and this terror in the same week…

  5. Has to be psychological warfare, I can’t imagine this thing actually hitting anything accurately.

  6. must be hell to have this thing flying over, easy to prevent, just stay home, do not invade other countries

  7. So, this is an anti-drone and maybe infantry mop-op drone? It looks like it has legs: control modifications to handle the fast attack swoop for a designated target.

  8. What about placing the gun shooting straight down. You could just buzz a spot and spray lead straight under the drone. Easy to target at that point.

  9. I’d love to see Baba Yaga drones fitted with M203 grenade launchers visit Moscow and spray up some of their critical infrastructure.

  10. I am so glad I’m no longer in the Army. The possibility of a well hidden IED was terrifying enough.

  11. What’s stopping Ukraine for taking one or two of these drones to Moscow, prior to Putin next public appearance?
    Other than the FSB of course…
    Imagine Putin bring the victim of the first magnicide of history by drone.

  12. Where’s the damned Bayonet??? What do they plan to do if they run out of ammo???

  13. Imagine these being really optimized so they are accurate and can stay aloft for hours. Then hook dozens of them up to AI so they hang out in an area hunting. Nightmare fuel. We are pretty much living through Terminator

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