Gender equality stalling or going backwards for 1bn women and girls

Gender equality stalling or going backwards for 1bn women and girls

Posted by ILikeNeurons

  1. Wild choice of *the guardian* to but quotation marks around the word *gender apartheid*, Gender apartheid is gender apartheid. Works just like am ethnic based apartheid, by separating two or more groups from each other. 

  2. According to this datasheet, the USA is 40th place with 74.6 index score, the same as China, lower than the UAE at 76.5 and Costa Rica at 75.3. How has the USA gotten so behind in this data compared to Europe? It’s literally closer to Saudi Arabia at 67.6 than to Switzerland which is at 90.1 and Sweden which is 89.3

  3. They went backward in Iran and Afghanistan, and also in Iraq to a great extent.

    All over the world, men are countering women’s progress. Two issues facing them are more competition from females in the workforce, and also less jobs that are traditionally masculine, like coal mining or manual labor. The world is modernizing, but a lot of men aren’t adapting. 

  4.   Honestly probably even more than that. We need feminism and gender abolitionism.     

    Fgm is still rampant in many places, new laws against sex Ed and trans healthcare are implemented more and more, hatred against women and incel / redpill / pickup artist bullshit is infecting the youth. Extremist religious movements are popping up all over the world, signalling a descent into right wing ideology

    It’s scary out here.

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