Crazy Mad ‘Driver’

Crazy Mad ‘Driver’

by Frosty_JackJones

  1. Relieved that the driver only wrecked themselves in this video and no innocent driver was collided with – as many near misses as there were.

  2. why are they not checking to see if the driver is alright? it could have been someone with dementia or anything that decided they could still drive

  3. Obv we don’t kno what was going on with driver if he/she was having medical issues fair enough, if he/she was drunk or high on drugs they are scum and could’ve wrecked someone else’s life for being a useless selfish waste of space

  4. Land Rover driver so I’m gonna guess too much coke and booze. Delayed reactions with the heightened sense of confidence to drive like a prick

    Thank fuck he only wrecked himself and it was caught on camera. Needs a permaban on the license

  5. “rubbernecking” LMAO

    but you know more importantly, wtf? I hope that cunt is in a cell right now. Could easily have killed a lot more than a hedge the disgraceful bastard.

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