Home Office spared inquest into Afghan asylum seeker who posed as child and later committed murder

Home Office spared inquest into Afghan asylum seeker who posed as child and later committed murder


by IllustriousLynx8099

  1. [Non paywall version](https://archive.is/X5MdL)

    Some key excerpts;

    > The Home Office has been spared an inquest into how a violent Afghan asylum seeker entered the country before murdering an aspiring Royal Marine. Tom Roberts, 21, was stabbed to death by Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai who had previously shot two migrants with a Kalashnikov rifle in Serbia while travelling to the UK.

    > Abdulrahimzai told Border Force officers he was 14 when he was actually 19. He also claimed to be fleeing the Taliban. He was placed into a secondary school in Bournemouth, Dorset, before being expelled for carrying a knife and enrolled in another nearby.

    > Abdulrahimzai was jailed for 29 years last year for Roberts’s murder in March 2022 following a trial at Salisbury Crown Court. It later emerged that he was flagged as “susceptible to terrorism” by the Home Office’s Prevent anti-terrorism task group in 2021.

    > Rachael Griffin, senior coroner for Dorset, ruled on Wednesday that there was no need for a full inquest into the circumstances surrounding Roberts’s death.

    > Ms Griffin ruled the inquest did not meet the criteria for Article 2 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which states that if the state knew or ought to have known of an immediate risk to an individual’s life, it must take reasonable steps to deal with that risk. Ms Griffin acknowledged that there were “individual errors” but said they “do not amount to a systemic failure”.

  2. >Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, who was 19 when he arrived to the UK, told Border Force officers he was 14

    >He was placed into a secondary school in Bournemouth, Dorset, before being expelled for carrying a knife and enrolled in another nearby.

    >In May 2021, he hurt another student at school, causing injury, and in July that year he tried to headbutt his foster carer, who managed to move out of the way.

    >**From December 21 2020 and throughout 2021, there were several incidents and concerns raised around Abdulrahimzai carrying knives, including allegedly chasing another pupil at his school with a knife, which he denied.**

    >In January 2022, the authorities held a meeting confirming an age assessment would be carried out because Abdulrahimzai had been **“bringing females back to his placement”** and was refusing to attend school or engage in education.

    >On the night of 31 July 2018, Abdulrahimzai walked into a shed in farmland on the edge of Dobrinci where a group of refugees were staying, and gunned down two Afghan men in cold blood with an assault rifle.

    [Wanted to share my thoughts on these but I think I will shut my mouth instead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wtvXoXh0VU).

  3. The fact a 19 year old who had already been on shooting sprees across Europe was placed in a classroom with 14 year olds is crazy.

    We really do just let anyone in and just believe everything they say.

  4. How is a Royal Marine being fatally stabbed NOT a systematic failure??? Honestly I’m done with this country, finally lost all hope.

  5. And now we feed him…

    I really hate what Britain has become.

    Edit: We knew what he was, the signs were there. This is as much fault the police, government, home office whoever as it is him. They have blood on their hands in my eyes

  6. I get that there are genuine refugees fleeing terrible countries and regimes and who need and deserve help, but to pretend that the rules, procedures, and systems we currently have in place don’t allow for extremely dangerous and opportunistic people to abuse them is folly.

    This also hurts genuine refugees, as it increases public animosity towards and distrust of refugees (not to mention that this man literally killed two of his countrymen on the way to the UK).

  7. Probably over £1m of public money to keep this waste of skin fed and sheltered into the 2050s, and I’m sure a substantial amount of legal aid to support him throughout. Excellent value for money. Got to love the UK!

  8. What a sad state of affairs we are in.

    A massive failure and why cant we deport those that are on a terror list?

    Utter disgrace.

  9. We shouldn’t be jailing people like this, there are people sharing memes who need to be banged up

  10. Is it any surprise that people were rioting when the government, left or right, refuses to fix any issues to do with immigration. It’s no bloody surprise the far-right is on the rise across Europe.

  11. I fucking lived with this guy, I’m supported accommodation one night me and my mate came back and before you know it armed police show up you can find body cam footage online

  12. Speedrunning the rise of the far right (the kill all foreigners type, not the far right that the media would have you believe are rampant)

    If the political class continue to show an inability to protect its citizens, the public will vote for a party that pledge they will, by *any means necessary*

  13. I have 2 friends that are social workers in the UK, both work for different areas and different councils. Both of them have told me about “children” they have been sent out to visit at children’s homes which are quite clearly fully grown adult men with beards. One of my friends said she’s so concerned because one of the men is staying in a children’s home with 4 girls under the age of 13 and he is quite clearly a fully grown adult man, but there is nothing she can do about it. She said concerns have been raised but they’ve been told there’s actually no process currently in place to test someone’s age in this circumstance. He came into the country with no identification and no passport so they don’t even actually know if that’s his real name. The last I heard from her was that there was talks about introducing dental testing to confirm age in this circumstance but even then she said it’s basically too late as he’s already been here for months claiming asylum and living in a literal house full of vulnerable children, mainly girls… and she doesn’t even know if he would actually get deported or just moved from the home, if it was proven he was older.

  14. Hey,, is this for once an article ordinary users are actually allowed to post something in?? Crazy I got to experience this rare opportunity.

  15. This is what gets people incredibly angry, not that the guy delivering their pizza is brown, but that murderers can be let in, set up in a SCHOOL that surely breaches all kinds of child safety laws when bone analysis and/or blood tests would have shown this man was lying.

    I find it incredible that people still think about migration in such simplistic “refugees welcome” terms. What we are witnessing is a shadow economy, the trade in people, the sophisticated international criminal networks that sustain that, the complicity of NGO’s and sympathetic govts, the inability to reckon with there being a downside to this grand display of the wests altruism. It’s genuinely mind boggling.

    Anybody who favours mass migration and the policies in place that allow crimes like this to happen have to directly address them, no fudging with statistics, no “yeah but British people kill too”, no excuses.

    There comes a point when it’s not just statistics (not that those are particularly favourable either) but about lives taken and lives ruined, the victim impact statements were heartbreaking.


    Imagine if this was your son, your partner, your friend, and you found out that this man…

    – Killed two people in Serbia.

    – Was refused asylum in Norway.

    – Was nevertheless admitted and his claim to be 14 taken at face value.

    – Placed in a school where he was expelled for carrying a knife.

    – Tried to headbutt his foster carer.

    – Had a total of SEVEN warnings about him carrying knives.

    And yet he was still roaming free and able to kill your loved one in a confrontation that was over in less than 30secs.

    So those who are pro-migration have to be able to make the case that incidents like this are ultimately worth it for the greater good, because they continue to happen and I am yet to see any pro-migration voices even acknowledge these brutal crimes even happen. So what else can you conclude other than they believe they are worthy of ignoring completely?

    This may well be the single most damning case on the dangers of mass migration that I’ve ever seen. We let in a murderer who continued to act violently before he inevitably took someone’s life over nothing. Imagine if he had killed someone in school? Imagine a grieving parent being told that their child was killed by a 19yo known murderer who was placed in a class with 14yo’s?

    Leaving aside the statistics for a moment, if our asylum system was tougher this man wouldn’t have been in the country and Thomas Roberts would still be alive. This can be applied to the other murderers and rapists and thieves and scam artists.

    It’s just so fucking bleak, because you want to believe that there is good in people and that giving shelter to those fleeing terrible conditions is a good thing to do but instead it has been converted into an absolute charnel house where humans are traded, drowned, exploited and who themselves can also be responsible for unspeakable atrocities against defenceless, innocent people who should be safe in their own country.

    I am absolutely begging for pro-migration folks to respond to this, please explain and tell me what you think can be learned from this, whether this among the many other crimes are just an inevitable and unfortunate byproduct of our duty to take in refugees. Frame it any way you want I don’t care, but at least address it head on.

  16. I’m the first one to support that we need to help people, even more when it’s people who’s home country have been destroyed in wars started by ours.

    But how in a million years can they say there weren’t systemic failures? No age or identity verification, no request of information from other countries (and killed 2 people already), seen with and threatening other kids with knifes, seen running with a machete but police leave because guy that’s meant to open gate (and provably take care of people living there) is sleeping. Even a dentist could tell he was older than he portrayed to be.

    It’s like every single possible step has failed. Every single person involved with this prick should be part responsible for the death of a person. What a fucked up society where no one is held to any standard. How can they say that come verifications had been made the outcome wouldn’t be different? They would hs e let a guy that lied about is age and killed 2 people already in the country?

  17. Another day, another Telegraph article which omits the most important aspect of the story:

    It happened under the Tories.

    14 years of lies, corruption and open disdain towards working people.

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