Village of Bondarevka, Sudga district, Kursk region. Car with russian soldiers got into ambush. Nobody of russians survived.

Village of Bondarevka, Sudga district, Kursk region. Car with russian soldiers got into ambush. Nobody of russians survived.

by Main_Discipline5408

  1. 10 miles from the border. Wow, what an offensive. 😐

    Wagner was able to penetrate 100s of miles in a few days.

  2. Is this old? From the recent maps, this village near Sudzha should be under Ukrainian control since more than a week.

  3. Is this the friendly fire incident where the local militia went nuto thinking the Ukrainians were coming…. And shot up their own guys. 🥴

  4. If they are wearing the official uniform of the army or a tattered off shoot since that can be a uniform as well then they are free to strike even without a weapon.

  5. Is that what grandpa waited 10 years for? Just for his precious Lada to be turned into a grill. Thanks Putler.

  6. Like all wars. It’s the ignorant poor lower class who joins to have a chance at a better life that becomes meat sacks . They believe they are crusading for the glory of their country but they’re just tools. The reality is there’s no music in the background when you’re putting your life on the line. This ain’t the movies. I’m ex veteran and realized this after half a decade in. Fuck the bastards who put people in this position.

  7. Hope they leave the cleanup for the Russians when the war is over and the Ukrainians leave the area. Let them pick up their own trash.

  8. Insane to me this level of waste is possible by a nuclear state in the 21st Century. Any other nation would have lynched their leaders by this point.

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