Media start-up from Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin was secret Russian influence campaign, indictment alleges

Media start-up from Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin was secret Russian influence campaign, indictment alleges

Media start-up from Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin was secret Russian influence campaign, indictment alleges

by rulepanic

  1. They totally agreed with the pro-Russian talking points being directed to them but had no clue their funding was coming from RT? Yeah, given the context of who they are and how many brain cells they operate this all makes sense.

  2. Tim Pool is a joke. Thinks he’s so bloody clever yet can’t tell his arse from his elbow on geopolitics.

  3. Pretty sure putin has 2-3 agents follows tim pool ready to remove the beanie when he steps out of line.

    I hate Tim Pool so much

  4. Ignorance of the whole “*financing* behind the scenes” thing doesn’t terribly bother me– huge corporations have so many subsidiaries and DBAs and underwriters and shell companies that it’s legitimately difficult to follow the cash and influence sometimes.

    But regardless of *where* influence is coming from, it’s up to them to respond to it appropriately. I remember a decade ago during the Crimea invasion a couple of RT America anchors resigned in protest. They knew what they were “supposed” to say based on employment by Russian interests, but they chose to do the right thing in that situation.

    These guys didn’t. They either legitimately believe in the Russian position due to stupidity, brainwashing, or evil… or they don’t believe it and spout it anyway fully knowing it’ll influence their audience.

    Neither of those are good looks, and I hope this fiasco serves to dissuade people who would listen to these jackasses in the future.

  5. Fuck Tim Pool and his non-educated beanie-indoors-wearing ass. Lock ’em all up for being the pro-fascist Russian agent traitors they are.

  6. So from the indictment turns out one of the founders worked to hide that their funding was from ruzzia. Lol, useful idiots indeed.

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