Ask one

Ask one

Posted by political_memer

  1. ![gif](giphy|rI9O6UXkCjvTG|downsized)

    Ask yourself, with whom will a third party candidate align if the improbable happens and they get into the White House. How will they accomplish the work of the people? How will they work with Congress?

    Jill Stein already picked a side. Look at who’s funding her.

  2. Remember, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein helped give us a Trump presidency. (Hillary’s shit campaign didn’t help)

  3. I have no time for people who vote for third party or independent candidates. Get a clue!! Barring death, either Harris or Trump is going to be taking the oath of office next year… deal with it and pick a side. People who vote for anyone else to “send a message” must not be making their message very loud, ’cause ain’t nobody hearing it.

  4. Literally said this earlier today in another sub but it bears repeating here:

    Stein had an event near me not that long ago, I should have gone and asked her what she thinks she could accomplish with zero political power in any legislature at any level if she were to somehow win while also polling with less than 5% support.

  5. She accomplished what she meant to. She ran for president in 2012 to get enough votes to qualify for presidential election funding. She ran for president in 2016 to get enough votes to qualify for presidential election funding. She ran in 2020 to get enough votes to qualify for presidential election funding.

    Trump ran in 2016 to bolster his name recognition, and his brand. He won by accident.

  6. Dragging out all the greatest hits of 2016.  At this point Russians are doing everything they can to get lucky again.

  7. Hey hey hey now…. She’s met some some international political leaders.

    Can someone help me out here, I don’t have the photo on hand…

  8. I’m just impressed you found a Jill Stein supporter who wasn’t an astroturf account on the internet.

  9. I don’t know which is worse. Single-issue Republicans, who vote for you as long as you’re for a thing. Or Single-issue Dems who demonize you if a candidate does everything EXCEPT one thing.

  10. I am a pro Palestinian democratic voter, I want the establishment to embrace putting conditions on sending weapons anywhere.

    She’s not helping, Dems like Warren who talk about enforcing the Lahey Laws are way way more helpful

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