Rep. Mike Collins, who represents the district where the school shooting happened today in GA, was asked in 2022 if he favored ANY gun laws including red flag laws. The answer is no, he said God is the answer.

Rep. Mike Collins, who represents the district where the school shooting happened today in GA, was asked in 2022 if he favored ANY gun laws including red flag laws. The answer is no, he said God is the answer.

Posted by newzee1

  1. What an asshole. More “thoughts and prayers” instead of reasonable, rational gun reform.

    And the sheriff saying he “couldn’t imagine” this happening in his town and “promising” it won’t happen again with an asshole representative like collins who does not care about legislating reasonable, rational gun reform.

    More police need to step up and call out the legislators who are the complacent corporate shills taking nra money helping to keep guns in the hands of these irresponsible, sick, angry gun abusers.

  2. Yeah guns are ok because god made man and man made guns. But cannabis is bad because… well…it’s just bad 🤭🤭🤭

  3. That’s why he’s sending his thoughts and prayers. I’m sure the four devastated Families will appreciate that a lot tonight

  4. God is a mass murderer, then. We should give every newborn the latest “long rifle” and fuck any semblance of sanity. It’s what the meat beatin’ Incels want.

  5. Mike Collins is just more of the same. Never expect any change on this issue from GOP. Our governor even ran a commercial with him pointing a gun at a teenager. Now they just want to pray again. I am voting Lexi Doherty.

  6. his God really sucks at keeping humanity alive.
    Perhaps it’s time to adopt a better way at making decisions about life.

  7. Well, based on the GOP rep, he will be quite happy with todays events as it must have been gods will. I’m sure the voters will reward him like they rewarded the GOP in Uvalde, TX.

  8. Mike Collins is a pro post-birth abortion politician, but the rest of us call them school shootings.

  9. Ok if “god” is the answer. How about you show up next time there’s a threat called into a school and see how far that gets you

  10. Then his god is an asshole. All the more proof religion needs to be kept indoors and away from public life.

    He can fuck right off.

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