Czech efforts to limit the movement of Russian diplomats-spies in the EU are being blocked by Germany [translation in comments]

Czech efforts to limit the movement of Russian diplomats-spies in the EU are being blocked by Germany [translation in comments]

by ProfessorOubier

  1. translation:

    Germany is the main problem of Czech efforts to limit the movement of Russian diplomats-spies in the European Union. With reference to European diplomats, the British newspaper The Telegraph reports about it. Limiting the movement of Russian diplomats was already proposed last November by Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, according to whom this measure would significantly narrow the operational space of Russian agents.

    “Germany wants to return to normal trade relations with Russia. That’s its approach,” one of the diplomats told the British newspaper, according to whom Germany is a key obstacle to the implementation of Minister Lipavsky’s plan.

    The fact that the plan does not yet have 100% support was also confirmed to []( by the spokesperson of Czech diplomacy, Daniel Drake. “Negotiations will certainly continue for some time, because we are trying to convince other countries to agree to this measure. It’s not yet a situation where we can say it’s going to be adopted,” Drake said.

    However, the spokesperson of the diplomacy did not indicate which state does not agree with the proposal. “We do not comment on the positions of individual states, you have to contact them. On behalf of Czech diplomacy, I can say that we will continue negotiations, because this is about the security of the entire Schengen area, not just our country,” he added.

    Berlin officially says a move to strip Russian ambassadors of their right to free movement would lead to similar retaliatory measures from Russia. According to a diplomatic note seen by The Telegraph, German officials in talks with their European counterparts have expressed “concern about a strong Russian reaction”.

    There are roughly 350 German diplomats in Russia at embassies in Moscow and St. Petersburg, so Berlin fears that its “strong presence” in Russia could be curtailed if Lipavsky’s proposal passes.

    Before Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Berlin also had consulates in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Kaliningrad.

    **Also Italy**

    However, Italy also does not like the Czech minister’s plan, said another diplomat contacted. This country has a large number of its citizens in Russia. Rome argued that it would not be able to offer sufficient consular services throughout Russia if the Kremlin reacted in the same way to the proposal.

    Moreover, the Italian government has expressed support for keeping “open diplomatic channels” with Moscow, arguing that there are other tactics than restricting the movement of Russian diplomats that can be used against Russian agents.

    Many agents are hiding under diplomatic cover. The Czech government estimates that there are more than 2,000 Russians living in the country on diplomatic passports, including family members and officials.

    “It’s no secret that many agents are hiding under diplomatic cover. We don’t want to make their job easier,” said the Czech diplomat, whom the British newspaper did not name.

    The Czech Republic wants to restrict the movement of Russian diplomats so that they can only move within the territory of the country where they are working. In addition, Prague also wants to ban Russians who do not have biometric passports from entering the EU. Such a measure is already in place in the Czech Republic.

  2. Germany wants to return to normal trade with Russia because their economy is stagnant and or retracting. For example Volkswagen is considering closing plants in Germany. While it is true that Volkswagen did some shady business to be in this situation, they would not be shutting down plants if Germany had incentives for large business to operate and stay.

  3. The world record for WWII casualties of 55 million can only be broken if Germany and Russia collude.

  4. Is it not ironic that German is now the one trying to appease. I think German politicians need to give up on their desire for a unified Europe working as a collective on the world stage because one of the countries in Europe is being invaded.

  5. Oh how surprising. I’d say something about it, but I noticed that criticising Germany here will likely result in getting downvoted to hell or even banned, so…

  6. Ah shit what did Orbán do this ti-

    What, Germany? Oh. Someone fucked up the Matrix again, this aint right.

  7. What the actual fuck ? How the fuck are we so dyafunctional and delusional ? How fucking greedy can you be ?

  8. I just love those Torygraph articles popping up shitting on us every few days, mostly quoting unnamed “officials” and only mentioning halfway in that its, in fact, not just Germany thats supposedly against certain measurements.

    But yeah, to those that help to spread Russias propaganda about how we’re secretly on their side or “wanna go back to normal”: **go fuck yourself and eat a dick.** We’re sending fuckloads and have turned both our economy and military completely around.

  9. It’s not just the movement of diplomatic spies, but also diplomatic containers being shipped across Europe, which may contain anything from forged documents to drugs and weapons, since they are protected by diplomatic immunity from search and seizure. No officials can stop, detain, or open them. Given that they are not limited in size, anything really nasty could potentially be smuggled inside, from polonium to nuclear devices. While the latter is technically possible, it’s unlikely due to maintenance issues.

  10. Love how all the comments are getting downvoted by Germans unable to look truth in the eyes and admit they’re continuously driving their country down the drain by voting for Schröder and now AfD.

  11. “Germany wants to return to normal trade relations with Russia” source: an unnamed diplomat.

    Why are they sending billions in military aid then still? Doesnt sound like theyre trying for normal trade relations.

  12. Germany wants again the Molotov Ribbentrop secret pact. The rest of Europe should remind Germany what happened then. That’s why UK left the German union.

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